Looking for a new set of headphones


Jul 20, 2014
My headphones just broke and need a replacement. Ive always owned shitty headphones that buzz with static and snap in half. I would like a new pair of high quality headphones. Here are a few requirements.
- Over ear. I can't stand on ear or in ear headphones.
- I think its called closed. I don't want everyone else to be able to hear everything that Im listening to.
- Great bass range. I listen to electronic music with heavy bass like trap
- Im a gamer but i play rpgs not online multiplayer games, so directional audio doesnt matter to me
- my budget is between $100-$300, but if there is an exceptional pair of headphones over $300, im not to worried about it.

I have found a few that might be good. Can you give me some advice on these?
- Sennheiser HD8 DJ/ HD7 Dj
- Sony MDR1R
-Massdrop AKG K7xx

Thanks in advance

Thanks for the quick response. Are those open back headphones?