Best Headphones for Pop Music?


Feb 10, 2012
A lot of people recommend Sennheiser but I have a feeling this is for classical music and Jazz or such. What's the good headphone for Pop music? Price is no object to me, but quality is. I prefer to spend less than $500. The HD 598 is under 200 but I feel it's not for someone who listens to modern pop music.

I'm not a audiophile and have only experienced cheap gaming headphones like the Corsair series with huge amount of bass. I'm convinced that I should get a non-gaming headphone for all purpose headphone and get a separate mic if needed. I don't talk much so it's not important. If I can avoid getting a headphone for each purpose,e.g. threatre, music, and gaming, that would be great.

I listen to a little bit of everything from classical to speed metal and my HD 598s paired with an Asus Xonar Essence STX 90 sound card make it all sound amazing. Totally addicted to Lana Del Rey right now so they do just fine with pop.
Just get a real sound system 😛
My suggestion for speakers.
Soundcards, all soundcards, are inherently crap.

Right........My "crap" soundcard and HD 598s sound as good as my Yamaha RS 700 paired with my Klipsch RF 82 IIs and Bic PL 200 sub.

People say digital cables all sound/look the same. They don't Those people are ignorant.

Guess I'm ignorant then. Digital either provides a signal or doesn't. Analog on the other hand benefits from quality cables.

Oh look CNET is ignorant too.
Cables do make digital like CD's sound different, I've done the tests myself, using several different speaker cables and power cables etc. Even some speaker cable we made our selves, using some 99.99% pure silver cable we bought. The differences are subtle, but they are there, of course this is on a system that can play these differences. I may have been joking with the $600,000 dollar Magico speakers, but my father does own the S1 also mentioned in the article and they are phenomenal.
As I said, I'm not an audiophile but what the little angel said makes sense to me. I'm going to get the M50X because after reading a few articles, they say the M70X is not everyday listening but rather for musicians. I like the looks of the M70X more but that doesn't justify spending the extra $150.00. Money may be no object to me, but I will not spend money where it isn't needed.

I read that the rPac isn't the best; since I shaved $150 bucks off, what's the best amp/dac should I get? This articles says, "More desirable alternatives exist but the rPac is still a small, inexpensive upgrade for computer-based music collections."


Audio Technika are good head phones, and they are very comfortable, I am with Angel on this if you get some extra money to spend put it into a DAC, you'll slowly turn into an Audiophile 😛