Poor performance

Forum discussion tagged with Poor performance.
  1. S

    Another New laptop scoring dismally low on novabench. at wits end. need help

    Hello, I know there's a thousand threads with essentially the same title on here, but i spent some ample time reading thru them without finding the right answers. So i'm hoping this community might be generous enough to help me here. I recently purchased a Lenovo Yoga 710-11ikb in control...
  2. L

    All components on Alienware 17 benchmarking very low

    I've avoided doing anything too intense on my computer for months now because it has been painfully slow. http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/1157669 I've tried everything I know to try at this point and nothing helps. All drivers up to date, and I've clean installed numerous graphics...
  3. S

    AMD Radeon R7 M265 not working

    Hello. I recently bought a new PC and the first think I saw when starting a game was that the performance was very poor. My pc has a AMD Quad-core A10 7300 processor. It has 2 graphic cards, the AMD R6 Graphics and the R7 that should give me a very nice performane on gaming. The pc detects both...