1 Million Apple Watch Orders Already Beats Android Wear

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Maybe I'm just getting old but I just don't get the appeal of a smart watch. I just cant see using a smart watch in place of my smart phone and If I have a smart phone why in the world I would then supplement it with a smart watch. This is one of those fads that I will not be jumping on.
I'm not really surprised. Android Wear, Tizen, Pebble... other companies laid the groundwork and did the market testing for smartwatches, but haven't matured into a predicable standard. Getting any other smartwatch is still strictly for enthusiasts who do their research and bear with some shortcomings. Then Apple comes out with a more mature device, polished and integrated with the iPhone / MacOS family of devices and geared towards regular consumers, albeit at twice the price.

A luxury item, designed for easy integration with the Apple product line, from a well know (and fanatic-creating) brand will always outsell enthusiast niche items in a fragmented market without unifying brand presence. It's got more to do with marketing and business than quality of the product in question.

That said, it's a very nice watch. Just too expensive for my tastes. But price is largely the reason I'm not an Apple customer to begin with.
When will the iSheep ever learn? The Apple Watch is the most useless thing Apple ever made. Even the iPad actually has some uses in some certain scenarios. This is just for bling and nothing else. If you want bling, just get a traditional self winding mechanical watch that you never have to upgrade.
My brother pre-ordered one for himself and 2 of his kids. But nothing it does really makes me want to buy it. I don't use my phone enough to make it more convenient than just pulling out my phone. And I have some pretty nice watches I paid a lot of money for I would rather wear. But maybe once I see my brothers in person it will change my mind.
Maybe I'm just getting old but I just don't get the appeal of a smart watch. I just cant see using a smart watch in place of my smart phone and If I have a smart phone why in the world I would then supplement it with a smart watch. This is one of those fads that I will not be jumping on.
James, you're getting old, happened to me too.

Glad they are willing to beta test. I tried Samsung's first smart watch, and I am so glad that I ordered it from Amazon. It went back the very next day.
I find it highly amusing that people just don’t see the use for these devices or somehow liken it to a replacement for their phone. IT ISN’T THAT.
Let me explain......
I have had several smart watches over the years and currently use the moto360. From my experience it will never replace your phone but it was never meant to be a replacement.
I use mine a lot whilst in meetings or driving etc. What it does for me is to have the ability to see an incoming message or call and decide if it is important and i need to make my excuses to dive outside the meeting room for a quick phone call et. Whilst i am driving it means that i can keep upto date with emails and messages coming in without really taking my eyes of the road or having to delve about for my phone. A simple flick of the wrist and its there. On top of that i can just talk to the watch whilst driving and call someone without even taking a hand from the steering wheel.
I also never miss a call anymore even when the phone is on silent as my watch lets me know with some gentle vibrations.
All in all this type of device i find VERY useful!!!
Just a few of my thoughts.......
When will the iSheep ever learn? The Apple Watch is the most useless thing Apple ever made. Even the iPad actually has some uses in some certain scenarios. This is just for bling and nothing else. If you want bling, just get a traditional self winding mechanical watch that you never have to upgrade.
Have pity on them! They have no control over their belief that their image is directly related to how many crApple products they own. LOL
I use mine a lot whilst in meetings or driving etc.....Whilst i am driving it means that i can keep upto date with emails and messages coming in without really taking my eyes of the road or having to delve about for my phone. A simple flick of the wrist and its there. On top of that i can just talk to the watch whilst driving and call someone without even taking a hand from the steering wheel....

Are you freaking kidding me?! I bet you would complain about people texting and driving. DO NOT use these while driving. OMG that has to be the dumbest thing I've read so far this week (yeah I know it's early) and it may take the cake for the month.
This just means that Apple will start selling a smart ring. That you need an Apple watch for, that you need an IPhone for. And on that ring - diamonds!
When will the iSheep ever learn? The Apple Watch is the most useless thing Apple ever made. Even the iPad actually has some uses in some certain scenarios. This is just for bling and nothing else. If you want bling, just get a traditional self winding mechanical watch that you never have to upgrade.
Have pity on them! They have no control over their belief that their image is directly related to how many crApple products they own. LOL

Same argument could be made for Android, Pebble, etc. but then again your opinions are fact aren't they? NO
Apple could sell a dog turd for $200. As long as it had the pretty Apple logo on it, suckers would buy them. Coming soon, the all new Apple iTurd!

I've always felt the Apple heads had more money than sense! 😛
I use mine a lot whilst in meetings or driving etc.....Whilst i am driving it means that i can keep upto date with emails and messages coming in without really taking my eyes of the road or having to delve about for my phone. A simple flick of the wrist and its there. On top of that i can just talk to the watch whilst driving and call someone without even taking a hand from the steering wheel....

Are you freaking kidding me?! I bet you would complain about people texting and driving. DO NOT use these while driving. OMG that has to be the dumbest thing I've read so far this week (yeah I know it's early) and it may take the cake for the month.
I'm sure it's real easy to read emails on this thing while driving in traffic with your hand on the wheel all wrong :)
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