10 Best Tips for Stardew Valley Beginners

It seems that everyone plays Stardew Valley these days. If you are one of the few people who hasn’t tried playing the game yet, this article is for you.

Here are 10 tips for anyone just beginning the game.

1. Your first season is the most important one.
Be sure to make the most out of it. Devote plenty of time to Foraging, Fishing, Farming and cleaning. By diversifying, you are guaranteed plenty of success.

2. Know what the best crop for your farm is.
Identifying the crop that will generate the most amount of cash flow is vital. In spring, you would want to grow potatoes and cauliflower. In summer, grow blueberries and hops. Cranberries and pumpkins are good crops to grow in fall.

3. Use plenty of fertilizers.
Fertilizers maximize the amount of profit from your farms and will pay for themselves in the long run, since you will harvest more than if you didn’t fertilize the land.

4. Repair the broken bridge.
At the beginning of the game, you will find a broken bridge. Save at least 300 wood to repair the bridge. Once repaired, the area beyond the bridge will be accessible. The area contains a group of tide pools and is also rich in corals, sea urchins, and other goodies, which will earn you some cash.

5. The mine in Stardew Valley is full of resources.
Set aside some time every day to explore the mine. I would recommend you explore 5 levels of the mine everyday, which is the maximum the elevator will allow you to explore each time. You won’t find riches every day, but every once in a while, you may get lucky.

6. Don't forget the Community Center.
Newbies on Stardew Valley have a tendency to forget the community center. Try to visit the community center often, especially if you are a beginner. Completing the quests offered there would unlock new features that will help you in the long run.

7. Keep a hoe with you at all times.
Usually while playing the game, you can see worms wiggling in the ground. These worms be dug up by using the hoe. You can trade the worms for some rewards. The worms are seasonal, but they are found most often in winter.

8. Don't forget the museum.
The museum is another feature that people tend to overlook. For every artifact that you donate to the museum, the curator gifts you something.

9. Try to be as neighborly as you can.
Some quests require you to reach certain level of friendships. Striking a relationship with a neighbor can lead to friendship, or who knows, maybe even marriage.

10. Regularly check the message boards.
The message board in front of the Pierre Shop is a treasure trove of information. The board tells you not only upcoming birthdays, but it also informs you of any quests that need to be completed. The quests need to be completed within two days, so be sure to check the message boards with regularity.

Follow these basic tips, and you will see a great improvement in your gameplay.