10 Things We Hate About iPhone 3G

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Mar 9, 2009
Hey Anthony... thanks for writing a fair use review of the iPhone. When ever I read an iPhone review, it's always glazing with "this phone is the sh@$@%#t". I've been weighing between the iPhone and the over hyped Pre. Hardest thing for me will switching carriers. Having been with Verizon, ATT and now Sprint... ATT has been my worst enemy.


Jun 11, 2008
If the price is fixed because Apple (or whoever) won't sell the iPhone (or whatever) below a certain price to resellers, then I don't think it's a bad idea. If it's fixed at the other end, of course it IS a bad idea and should be illegal, if it isn't; certainly the spirit of the law is against such a practice, whether the letter is or not.

In any case, it's not Apple's job to control it's prices, it's OUR job. If we don't like the price, we shouldn't pay it. Buy a competitor's product or do without (there's not actually anything the iPhone does that no one else does, anyway).

The business of making things cheaper for Wal-Mart (for example) leads to products that actually ARE cheaper; they're built in a cheaper way, and hence lesser-quality products, and sometimes we as consumers can't tell the difference by looking at the label. Buying a TV and think you're getting the same one at Wal-Mart for less? Before you buy it, check to see if the actual model number is the same, because it may not be the same product, and often isn't.

Of course if you don't care, by all means buy the cheaper product, but if you start being able to buy iPhones cheaper at Wal-Mart than from ATT, I suggest you look at the fine print. You may be getting an inferior product for that lower price.

Then again, maybe not; deals are certainly made based on volume sales, and Wal-Mart is a very big customer - so maybe they got the same product for less money and can pass on the savings to you. The better price might be for that reason alone. however, I think it is a mistake to assume that (unless, of course, you just don't care).



Would you rather wait 20 years for a perfect phone, or have one now that evolves over time, albeit with some annoying features?

Understand evolution you twot


Sep 21, 2008
I thought I found an error: "When using the AT&T Website, I had to wonder if it was programmed by high school Web development students." Did you meant to say "developmentally disabled"? Ten more reasons I'm going to take a chance on Palm's new OS...


all you people have too much time for these comments your all moaning losers that need to get a life...u fuck heads


Re-write this article... Considering 3.0 is out and now supports alot more features.
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