100% disk speed


Aug 23, 2016
I was downloading some programs and later that day my disk speed goes all the way to 100% and everything becomes unusable, I have been Googling all day how to resolve the issue like disabling prefetch, SuperFetch, BITS, and windows search, and doing that thing with the ram virtualization, I ran several virus scans from several different programs like Kaspersky antivirus, Windows Defender, AVG, malwarebytes, adware cleaner. Adware cleaner would sometimes occasionally pop up with something but that would not change anything involving the disk speed, I even switched out my hard drive with a couple other hard drives booted with Windows 10 also, one of those hard drives have Windows 8.1 and it still ran out 100% usage, I asked a friend and he said I got a virus in my BIOS, and told me to update it, everything still runs at 100% usage, it's been about a week and still no change
Okay so I just did it in safe mode and the disk is at 0%, but it likes to spike up, I believe this is normal, keep in mind this is Windows 10 10240 build, this is an old laptop hard disk I'm using, my 1 terabyte hard disc is having problems installing Windows 10 again
I've been trying for hours to boot Windows 10 on my 1 terabyte hard disk but it just does not want to work I also noticed something else, sometimes when I boot up it says overclock failed and I don't even overclock and sometimes the BIOS doesn't even boot up so I have to turn off the entire system, and when I go to advanced mode on my BIOS, and I clicked Ai tweaker then it just freezes, if my BIOS is freezing like that then it should be a problem with my BIOS, or mother board firmware but I have no idea how to do anything with that
There should be a setting in the BIOS that will allow you to load default settings. Also most have optimized settings. This will remove any overclocking. I would do the default settings, then just make sure the SATA operation is correct (most likely it should be AHCI).

Since it does not run at 100% while in safe mode this points to something running that is causing the drive to max out. I have run into this and it is a pain but what I did was while in Safe Mode I went into msconfig and turned off the first half of the services and rebooted. If the 100% came back then I knew one of the services that was still enabled is causing it. So back into msconfig and turn off half of the enabled services again... I did this until the 100% stopped. Then I know the group of services causing it and can then focus on that group, turning off half again until I narrowed it down to the service causing it. Hopefully this makes sense.
Okay here's an update on my status, my friend suggested to install Ubuntu to see if it would work at 100% disk usage like Windows because if it did then that would mean it's a problem with my motherboard, fortunately Ubuntu was working completely fine, but of course I don't want a linux-based operating system i can't play anything on their "PC Master race", I'm going to boot one of my older drive to see if it still runs at 100% Windows 10
Thanks everyone who spend time with me trying to figure out the issue, but I'm 99 percent sure I accidentally solved the problem, you see what fix the problem most likely was me changing the partitioning scheme, I had to change it to a different format when I went to Ubuntu, but then I decided I was tired of Ubuntu so I wanted to install Windows 10 again, it didn't let me because it still had the Linux format ( it starts with a G I forgot how its called), I explained all of this to my friend and he said that I had a ghost partition, well I can obviously guess that means there was a partition that wasn't recognized by any OS