14": help me to choose



Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

My needs:

- 14" as light/small possible
- WXGA (or more) wide screen
- decent audio
- 512MB (or more)
- HDD: 40gig (or more) @ 5400rpm
- Price: about 1000Eur/$

I use only 2D application: word/excel/firefox/cad2d/spice;
no gaming, no 3D so video card shouldn't be a problem
but, of course, a separate video card is always better!

I was looking to DV1000/1200 series: I like it, but it has
an integrated video card and hd at 4200rpm
(here in Italy is avaiable only 4200rpm versions :-(

Then I looked at new Toshiba M50-106: dedicated video
card ATI X600, hd at 4200rpm (but I could replace it)
but it'is overpriced (1200 Eur) and it's a little bigger
than DV1000.

Finally, the Dell 610: seems to fit my needs, but
I don't like its (obsolete) look and it hasn't wide screen.

What do you suggest me to get?

Thanks in advance
Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

I personally like the Dell products but have you looked at ACER or FUJITSU?

"__Frank__" <__frank__@despammed.com> wrote in message
> My needs:
> - 14" as light/small possible
> - WXGA (or more) wide screen
> - decent audio
> - 512MB (or more)
> - HDD: 40gig (or more) @ 5400rpm
> - Price: about 1000Eur/$
> I use only 2D application: word/excel/firefox/cad2d/spice;
> no gaming, no 3D so video card shouldn't be a problem
> but, of course, a separate video card is always better!
> I was looking to DV1000/1200 series: I like it, but it has
> an integrated video card and hd at 4200rpm
> (here in Italy is avaiable only 4200rpm versions :-(
> Then I looked at new Toshiba M50-106: dedicated video
> card ATI X600, hd at 4200rpm (but I could replace it)
> but it'is overpriced (1200 Eur) and it's a little bigger
> than DV1000.
> Finally, the Dell 610: seems to fit my needs, but
> I don't like its (obsolete) look and it hasn't wide screen.
> What do you suggest me to get?
> Thanks in advance