The hardware is a fantastic price for 99 bucks - however, great hardware but with crappy software/OS does not make a great tablet (might as well buy an ol' cheaper Shanzai tablet - at least the OS is currently open and I can/make modifications to the OS to properly operate the unit).
WebOS is currently "closed" and it's fate is currently unknown, even though HP stated that it would support/develop the OS, due to it's "business model' (my brain is too small to comprehend what HP upper management is doing), I don't have any faith with HP. However, it could be sold, etc., but it will probably still be considered "closed" (actually, loosely "closed", HP has provided the source code for the various modules, etc. since it is a derivative of Linux).
Even though the current updates correct some of the deficiencies (as noted by various experts, reviewers, etc.), once these have been installed, that's it - you still have a crappy tablet (only good for e-mails, web serfing and rudimentary software packages).
But wait, people say "Developers are in the process of developing Android...", this is a problem, if the manufacturer stops support a device and you have to rely on others to support your device, it is a crap shoot (re: developers loose interest - the next great toy is thrown to the population).
I'll stick with my Acer unit - at least the manufacturer has not abandoned it (yet - expecting a 2 year life cycle - I expect Honeycomb 3.2 as well as "Ice Cream Sandwich" to be developed/deployed for the unit).