If you mean ram, then no. Games only use the ram they need. I play bards tale on my phone and it runs just fine and in only have a few hundred megs of free ram.
If they are stored on your SD card, then yes your space is took. If you have not saved the game and only open them to play then it will only use the internal memory in your phone. Most likely tho you would have had to download the game first. You can keep track of the space took from your downloads of course in the apps info stating how big it's file is or in storage located in your phone's settings that will tell you how much space you have (as you may know since your seeing it disappearing). And if your getting too close the the max you can from a PC copy everything from your current SD to a bigger one and being Android's market never erases uninstalled or previous apps you have no need to keep the old one as back up. Was this answer good enough?