Question Samsung A13 allowed me to move SOME games to my SD card, but now the SD is at 66%, it says not enough space?

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Jul 26, 2024
So I have a Samsung A13 and was able to move some apps and games to my SD card that shows I have (even after turning on hidden apps) 36.22 out of 59.61GB available space on it. When I go to move a game that is only 1 or 2 GB, it tells me there is NO space available, even though I can clearly see there is.

When doing this it somehow erased my Google Search bar on my homescreen (and am now forced to use the browser based one which I HATE), and also locked my homescreen so I was unable to edit or do anything on it (Which I also figured out to turn back off).

So how does an SD card with 60% available space suddenly have NO SPACE AVAILABLE for a 1.03 or even a 1.27GB game?! Also, how do I get my original Google Search bar back?!
Assuming you have backed up your phone, a factory reset may be in order to get your apps straightened out.

Not all apps can exist in external memory, they still need to reside in internal memory. The games you are having trouble with could be such examples.
This phone I never had issues with until now. The apps and games I am trying to move show "Move to SD" where it shows the storage location, but then after waiting till it gets to like 95%, it shows "No space on SD card" when there clearly is.
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