So after one of the coldest winters I have lived through, and a particularly mild summer, we ended up averaging above for the year because of an extended heatwave in August followed by a mild fall/winter?
Seriously, this is all nuts. It is not global warming, it is climate change. The climate changes over time. It did it for (if you subscribe to evolutionary theory) millions of years before we got here, and now it is somehow 'evil' because we are involved in the process? When are we going to realize that (contrary to popular opinion) we are a natural process? If we cause global warming, then we cause it. If we reverse it, then we reverse it. Back in the '80s it was all about the coming ice age (I love how 'the Day After Tomorrow' worked that in lol). Today it is all about global warming. In reality, both are about getting grant and research money, and not about hard science.
Do we need to consume less? Absolutely! But is has more to do with socio-economic reasons than any hard science. The people who set the price on power are unstable despots. The sooner we can get away from insane people controlling the market the better. On the flip side, the less we consume on things that maintain/operate equipment (like power), the more we can spend on making the newer/better equipment mainstream.
Was there a time when pollution was a major problem? Absolutely! Remember what SoCal looked like in the '70s and '80s (and even '90s)? It was like pea soup over a city (kinda like what many Chinese cities looked like when I was there ~10 years ago, but I hear those are getting better now). Have you been to SoCal recently? There are more people, but the air and the water are so much cleaner now! Sure, it is not perfect, but a lot has changed in the last 10-15 years, and I am sure that it will continue that trend.
How do we solve the problem of population growth and usage? You either start doing the inhumane thing of population caps, or decreasing the populace in one way or another, or you invest in the space program and pursue the dream of space exploration. Everything is finite, but the universe is big. If we do not learn to expand then we will doom ourselves eventually (be it hundreds or thousands of years in the future).