3D-printed Gun CAD Files Pulled from Web

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@yannigr: Your assumption that those who value the right to keep and bear arms "sleep with a gun under the pillow, and learn to shoot first, ask questions [later]" is typical of those whose only exposure to gun ownership is the stereotype presented to them by Hollywood and other media. Who's watching too many movies?
My guns are secured in a safe when not on my person, and I take very seriously the possibility of using deadly force, as do all the other responsible gun owners I know. I happen to live in a state where most people own guns. Violent crime in our state is a fraction of that in states with restrictive gun laws. A cursory study of FBI and CDC statistics will demonstrate that it's not the laws that make the difference in gun crime. It has much more to do with gangs, drugs, the breakdown of the family, education, cultural glorification of violence, et cetera.
It's interesting how you know the future and what it will bring. You somehow know exactly who would and wouldn't attack or invade whom and the circumstances that would incite it, even a hundred or more years down the road. Liberty is maintained through a governing framework that must last throughout time. Even if a need for all citizens to be armed in the context of resisting invasion is a hundred years away, the framework must accommodate that. This is not the only context, however, that supports the right to keep and bear arms, so trying to put it to rest entirely on an unlikely near-term scenario falls short.
I actually haven't seen Red Dawn (although I'm familiar with the storyline). Perhaps you missed my point about asymmetric warfare. It's often referred to as "insurgency", and it's wreaking havoc on US and coalition troops in the middle east. It's the reason Russia, in its might, eventually failed in and left Afghanistan. If ever there was a scenario when another nation attempted to impose itself on US citizens, on US soil, if our military was compromised or, more likely, other nations' military force became equal (or superior) in might and technology, insurgent resistance might be necessary.
We could wargame various scenarios ad infinitum, but that would be a waste of time. The real discussion ought to be about personal liberty. You might consider reading the book "The Law" by Frederic Bastiat (a French economist in 1850). It might help you to better understand or appreciate the views of people who cherish freedom.
By the way, to reference my first comment to you, when are you going to give up your car and campaign that all others do the same in the name of saving lives? :) It would be far more successful than gun control...
One thing we can definitely agree on is having fewer (zero) wars abroad for various reasons. We can't completely ignore terrorist states acquiring nuclear weapons and things like that, but I'd much prefer if our military were home protecting our own soil, while maintaining its strength to deter or assist when justified. I'd much rather we develop the vast resources here in America than remain entangled in the Middle East.
Anyway, it's been fun!
@Toadboy: I don't want to join your big debate, but there are a few small details where I have too much trouble keeping still. First off:
"You're obviously ignorant of history which has shown that when citizens are disarmed, they are at the mercy of their government."
You are aware that many countries such as Australia have gun control and significantly less problems related to gun violence? And no, I don't think Australians are terrified of their government. You should also open a history book and look up people such as Ghandi and Martin Luther King before criticizing others on their knowledge of history =)
"Let's look at a "non-western" society -- North Korea. There is an unarmed people suffering tremendously under the oppression of a brutal government."
Cherry picking one example like that won't prove any points. For example I could mention Somalia as an easy counterexample, bet their lives are just so much better with their abundance of weapons!
Most anywhere outside of the US people have trouble understanding Americans fanatic love for guns.
What a joke, they did not fab this on a regular DIY 3D printer, they rented a professional machine that costs $100000+, I could buy a 100 legal AR15s for that price and mod em, or get a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook from the 70's it has blueprints for various semi-auto machine pistols and sub-machine guns, built on a lathe (much cheaper than 3D machine AND you can fire more than ONE round), real high tech.
This story has been politicized beyond belief. On a side note I remember when the US said you could not use/export PKZIP outside US.
What a joke, they did not fab this on a regular DIY 3D printer, they rented a professional machine that costs $100000+, I could buy a 100 legal AR15s for that price and mod em, or get a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook from the 70's it has blueprints for various semi-auto machine pistols and sub-machine guns, built on a lathe (much cheaper than 3D machine AND you can fire more than ONE round), real high tech.
This story has been politicized beyond belief. On a side note I remember when the US said you could not use/export PKZIP outside US.
The core issue that the majority whats to see solved is crime, and i do not see weapons as a feasible way of solving such a large issue. That isn't to say all firearms should be banned, granted, they have limted purpose in todays society. The U.S. consititution was writen during a completely different political, social and even technological climate, and while it seems to hold sacred to most American people i don't think it's a good framework for countering todays "issue" of gun control.
As stated by some about this article though, once it hits the internet, it's there. It seems our government still doesn't understand much about how the internet works and this also poses another large problem. We allow law degree graduates to govern not engineers and scientists who can solve real problems. Most things in your home are technical, not political. I have yet to see any administration improve the agricultural yield, make airplanes and cars safer etc. these are real problems, not whether or not two similarly gendered persons can hold hands or abortion, if you beileve in "freedom", then how are those things "issues" in the first place?. "Freedom" sounds more like a buzz word used to describe all the things in there culture that they agree without encompassing others with dissent. I really hate our passive acceptance of all of this.
Not even pulled from the web...Just his direct links that's all. It's hosted on Kim Dot Com's servers...LOL. But yeah, everyone already got them and are passing them out to friends on flash drives at work...ROFL. Whatever...Nice try obama. :) You can't make us gunless, we will fight you and your cohorts every step of the way. YOU LOSE. Now start drilling for some oil moron. I need Bush era gas prices! Batteries and electric crap don't cut it.
@JonathanR: Thanks for joining the discussion, but please be sure to bring facts to the table. Australia is a perfect example of how a ban on firearms fails to curb violent crime. According to the Australian Institute of Criminology (an official office of the Australian government -- feel free to review the PDF documents from aic.gov.au), violent crime involving guns as a percentage of homicides reached a record high in 2006, five years AFTER the gun ban went into effect.
Further, the overall violent crime rate went up significantly between 1995 and 2007. Specifically, assault rose 49.2%, robbery 6.2%, sexual assault 29.9%. This translates into an overall increase in violent crime during that period of 42.2%. Total number of homicides by firearms did decline, continuing a trend that began in 1969. For homicides, we're talking about less than 300 per year -- for the entire country! That's less than the murder rate in just Chicago -- where handguns are banned!
You also have to be careful to understand the context of rates of decline. Quoting from the AIC's 2009-10 statistical report, "The proportion of homicide victims killed by offenders using firearms in 2009–10 represented a decrease of 18 percentage points from the peak of 31 percent in 1995–96 (the year in which the Port Arthur massacre occurred with the death of 35 people)..." Hence, they're using a statistical outlier as their starting point of reference for decline.
How about knives? In the 2009-10 data, 39% of homicides were from knives, compared to just 13% from firearms. At TRIPLE the rate, shouldn't we be banning knives instead? Perhaps you can join @yannigr in campaigning for the limitations on cars I proposed to him, since vehicle deaths far outpace gun crime deaths by a wide margin every year.
You are aware that some countries, like Switzerland, require every man to own a gun, and yet gun crime is so low that official statistics aren't even kept? Try Googling "Switzerland and the Gun" and look for the BBC News article.
Regarding history, are you ignoring Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein and others? How many millions of lives were lost? Do you assume that those are old history, and no current or future regime would carry out such atrocities? North Korea is just a cherry-picked blip? By your own argument, cherry-picking MLK and Gandhi doesn't prove any point. Somalia is hardly an industrialized nation where gun control is the major difference.
What this all comes down to is an irrational fear of firearms and the misdirected blame on firearms as the problem. Worse, this fear and ignorance leads to people not only volunteering to be helpless victims, but demanding that all others (who are willing to obey law) become the same. Why should your fear of guns allow anyone to remove my right to defend myself with one? When a violent offender is attacking you, are you going to think, "I'm sure glad I don't have a gun to defend myself!" Or do you think that, just like all future regimes, no one will try to do you harm?
If banning is successful, why not just ban murder? Oh, wait...it IS banned. And yet, those willing to do it will do it (even with knives, as 39% did in Australia in 2009-10). How could 13% of murders in Australia have been done by something that was banned? Because criminals (those who are willing to break the law), don't care about law. Has a ban on narcotics succeeded? Have bans on prostitution, alcohol, gambling ever succeeded? Only among those willing to obey the law, and they're NOT the ones society should be worried about.
As for people outside the US not understanding our "fanatic love of guns", allow me help you understand: It's a fanatical love of LIBERTY and the right to protect oneself from those who would do harm regardless of law. The spirit of freedom is at the core of a citizen, and it's not necessarily a surprise that people living as subjects don't understand.
Like you, I often sit on the sidelines and read threads without comment, but the ignorance propagated on the topic of gun control compels me to respond. I appreciate your willingness to do the same -- let's just be sure to use facts as much as possible.
It appears that the BBC News article I referenced is quite a bit out-of-date. There have been some more recent gun laws that have placed some restrictions on ownership in Switzerland, and some statistics are now being kept. However, the homicide rate in Switzerland is apparently still the lowest in the world.
I am aware that there are lots of guns in the country I live in, but I this is not without reason. Contrary to the United States we don't have a professional military but have a draft where every able man is enlisted into the Militia. Despite this, the amount of guns per capita is only slightly more then half the amount it is in the US, so you can imagine how the amount of privately owned guns is actually much much lower in Switzerland.
"the homicide rate in Switzerland is apparently still the lowest in the world."
Almost, but not quite. Switzerlands homicide rate according to UNODC is 0.7, most first world countries have rates between 0.0 and 1.7 . On a side note the US is sitting on 4.8 and Australia on 1.0
"Regarding history, are you ignoring Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein and others?"
Thats what you regard as "unarmed" people at the mercy of their leaders? Really? How do you define which countries are "unarmed and suffering directly as a result"? The world has changed greatly in the past few hundred years. All you are mentioning are cases of where the world has been in turmoil. Lenin came to power after a civil war costing 3 million lives. Im quite sure the problem wasnt a lack of firepower.
" North Korea is just a cherry-picked blip? By your own argument, cherry-picking MLK and Gandhi doesn't prove any point."
Not quite, my examples showed proof of existence that non-violent methods can succeed to overthrow an oppressive power and as such violent revolutions are not the only way. You on the other hand are trying to prove that people need guns to knock an oppressive dictator out of power, which doesnt require proof of existence but proof of nonexistence of alternatives.Aside from that Im not sure how North Korea is an argument against gun control, seeing as they never were in a situation comparable to a western country and never implemented gun control afaik.
"Somalia is hardly an industrialized nation where gun control is the major difference."
Neither is North Korea...
"How about knives? In the 2009-10 data, 39% of homicides were from knives, compared to just 13% from firearms. At TRIPLE the rate, shouldn't we be banning knives instead? "
Clearly the firearms ban is having an effect to lower that homicide rate =)
One difference is that the point of a firearm is explicitly to kill whereas knives have other uses, like cooking =) . Also pointing a gun and pulling a trigger at least for me would be much easier then the gruesome situation of pulling a knife on someone.
"As for people outside the US not understanding our "fanatic love of guns", allow me help you understand: It's a fanatical love of LIBERTY and the right to protect oneself from those who would do harm regardless of law"
But thats the thing, from the outside it looks like thats the only liberty you really care about. From the outside we always here those same people who cry of the death of freedom because of gun control demand an end to abortion and refuse the right of marriage to homosexual couples. Its a completely Schizophrenic understanding of freedom that I can't grasp at all. I feel that the term is misused by the rightwing politicians to push their own agendas.
"The spirit of freedom is at the core of a citizen, and it's not necessarily a surprise that people living as subjects don't understand."
Are you really that naive to think that the US is the only country with any degree of freedom? You are aware that here in Switzerland the citizens can vote on every single law that is passed? They can also suggest new laws and veto laws. Hows that for a democracy?
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