3d s max renderer


Jun 26, 2001
was wondering if anyone can reccomend a few cartoon renderers for 3d s max 4- or does it have one built in?

My rice car will leave your R8500 in the dust!
It has none built in.
However you can fake it with the use of a falloff material, the result is not that good though.

As for the recomendations:
CartoonReys and Illustrate are two great renderers...

I'm a student (I'm 14 years old). I just LOVE 3d stuff, and decided to also get cartoon renderers. Jake, swift 3d I found, is junk, so Illustrate it is cause I like it quite a bit.

My rice car will leave your R8500 in the dust!
I haven't messed to much with it. Have you used Poser?

<b>If you make a sytem that even an idiot can use, only an idiot will use it!!</b>
Yeah, but it's not really at the level I need it to be...ie it's too basic, and doesn't allow you to do too much stuff. It's great for creating generic models and stuff though. For Max, I have Creature Creator and Character Studio, so I can really edit and make some realistic humans/creatures.

My rice car will leave your R8500 in the dust!
Agree, but it´s a good program to start with, just to see if you´re really interested in character animation before you move on to CS.
It´s limited, but you get the basic idea of how human anathomy works...

flamethrower, im 15 and also use and am interested in 3d rendering. for now i only have bryce 5, ive used it for a while and am pretty good with it, but as you must know it is very limited in many respects. Soon, hopefully, ill be getting maya from one of my friends. People say 3d sm, maya and others are alot harder to use (or to use well at least), but im a fast learner and have patience. anyways to get to the point, where did you get 3d sm? obviously you didnt pay for it, you probly downloaded it right? well im on 56k and dont exactly like downloading HUGE files, can you sympathize? neways, i was wondering if you could like mail it (as in the post office) to me or something, and i could send you five bucks in the mail (i could send the money first, i would trust you). Or possibly we could negociate a trade (win xp pro, win 2k advanced server, office xp for small businesses, adobe premiere, adobe aftereffects, ps7, maya (soon), games etc). my email is leemspencer@mindspring.com, and im also on msn by that address.

The first LAN party I went to was at a PETA convention. They booted me when I shot a crab in HL!