[citation][nom]kanazak[/nom]I have to strongly disagree with the "Go Second Hand". While I am a strong proponent of buying earlier generations of well-tested products, I will only buy them new or refurbished from a store - not 'second hand' which is buying them from someone who has already had use of the item.In my opinion, buying most types of 'second hand' electronics are a recipe for disaster. It's often impossible to tell how old they are, how what state of repair they are in (especially if buying at auction or online), and whether or not the manufacturers warranty has expired / been breached.[/citation]
I disagree partially, it depends on what you buy and who from. I bought a samsung lcd 46" 1080p 120hz from a friend for $800. He had got it before circtuit city went out and still has the extended warranty with has 2 years left. At the time anything similar would have cost $1500. Big items are pretty safe as long as you get some background information from the owner and look at the reason they are getting rid of it. If they are the type to have to have the best and greatest, most likely they are just upgrading and the older equipment is fine. laptops, cellphones, graphics cards, and such that have been on the market for over 6 months are definate no-no's;tv's, floor speakers, receivers, blu-ray players are generally pretty safe. Just use common sense and you stand to save so serious bucks.