5540 Hard Drive upgtade



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

If I make a Ghost image of my current drive on a larger hard drive
will it still work and provide the additional recording time?
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Use the Replay patch instead, and yes, you will increase storage space.
Good Luck!

"Arawak" <fake.address@citnews.com> wrote in message
> If I make a Ghost image of my current drive on a larger hard drive
> will it still work and provide the additional recording time?
> Thanks
> Arawak
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

In article <m30so0l6c2f4bifeh63hd4d1utabfttial@4ax.com>,
Arawak <fake.address@citnews.com> wrote:

> If I make a Ghost image of my current drive on a larger hard drive
> will it still work and provide the additional recording time?
> Thanks
> Arawak


Use RTVPatch to do the ghosting, then it has an additional step to patch
the new disk so it knows about the extra space.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 04:02:57 -0700, Arawak <fake.address@citnews.com>

>If I make a Ghost image of my current drive on a larger hard drive
>will it still work and provide the additional recording time?

It won't work. The disk capacity is written as part of the image.
RTVPatch will correct this.

55 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

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