Not quite what I thought it would be, but awesome nonetheless. I was thinking first-person to mean that it would be asteroids, but look and play similar to X3: Reunion or something, with the Android phones as controllers.
[citation][nom]anamaniac[/nom]That... is... AWESOME!I think this rapes most iPhone games out there.[/citation]
Really dude? You're just going to throw around that word as if it doesn't mean anything? What an awful subject to breech so casually, without thought for the people such horrors affect; families destroyed, lives stripped of all meaning. That's not an "iPhone" game, it's Android! You disgust me.
[citation][nom]assmar[/nom]Really dude? You're just going to throw around that word as if it doesn't mean anything? What an awful subject to breech so casually, without thought for the people such horrors affect; families destroyed, lives stripped of all meaning. That's not an "iPhone" game, it's Android! You disgust me.[/citation]
I see what you did there... damn iPhonists always breaking in and taking my daughters Virgin mobile pre-paid phones.