1. it's a DV card only. You still need a AV/DV convertor to capture from current VHS material.
2. It's not OCHI compliant and uses propiarty drivers. You don't want to go there.
Better use a standard Fire wire card. I know some guys that got a Pinnacle Studio DV. They started using it and when they became more fameliare with video editing moved to a better editing program still using the Card and cables as standard fire wire cards. Very good value for money.
BTW, at my site is a review of the Pinnacle Pro-One Vs. Canopus DV Storm. It's more expencive cards but you might want to take a look at it.
Intel / AMD - <A HREF="http
/www.llnl.gov/asci/news/white_news.html" target="_new">IBM are still the best</A>