A Plea: Differentiate between Lens Chromatic Aberration an..



Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

As it says. Many publications seem unable to differentiate, but then
we don't have a term that allows us to differentiate.

So I propose we have Lens Chromatic Aberration (LCA?) which is our old
favorite caused by unbalanced diffraction between the elements in the
lens and Sensor Chromatic Aberation (SCA) which is caused by the
functioning of the sensor/micro-lens/interpolation of the sensor

DPReview has a review of the new OES 1Ds II and if you zoom in on the
picture of the bridge in the area of the church you see red and green
fringing which must surely be lens independant?

It does seem possible that aberrations in the lens may be revealed by
the very high spatial resolution sensors, but unlikely?

Just my 2p worth

Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

"digiboy" <digiboy@mailinator.com> wrote in message
> As it says. Many publications seem unable to differentiate, but then
> we don't have a term that allows us to differentiate.
> So I propose we have Lens Chromatic Aberration (LCA?) which is our old
> favorite caused by unbalanced diffraction between the elements in the
> lens and Sensor Chromatic Aberation (SCA) which is caused by the
> functioning of the sensor/micro-lens/interpolation of the sensor
> system.

I think that last one is mainly refered to as being PF .. Purple Fringing ..
the terminology is quite simple and well established IMHO .. ?
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

"imbsysop" <imbsysop@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "digiboy" <digiboy@mailinator.com> wrote in message
> news:15a47f60.0412050811.3da73770@posting.google.com...
>> As it says. Many publications seem unable to differentiate, but then
>> we don't have a term that allows us to differentiate.
>> So I propose we have Lens Chromatic Aberration (LCA?) which is our old
>> favorite caused by unbalanced diffraction between the elements in the
>> lens and Sensor Chromatic Aberation (SCA) which is caused by the
>> functioning of the sensor/micro-lens/interpolation of the sensor
>> system.
> I think that last one is mainly refered to as being PF .. Purple Fringing
> ..
> the terminology is quite simple and well established IMHO .. ?

Seems so to me. I think the confusion results from folks reporting one
thing as another.
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

digiboy@mailinator.com (digiboy) writes:
> As it says. Many publications seem unable to differentiate, but then
> we don't have a term that allows us to differentiate.
> So I propose we have Lens Chromatic Aberration (LCA?) which is our old
> favorite caused by unbalanced diffraction between the elements in the
> lens and Sensor Chromatic Aberation (SCA) which is caused by the
> functioning of the sensor/micro-lens/interpolation of the sensor
> system.

I think a likely cause for this is crosstalk between sensels, and
in that case, it is called "blooming".

> DPReview has a review of the new OES 1Ds II and if you zoom in on the
> picture of the bridge in the area of the church you see red and green
> fringing which must surely be lens independant?

Yeah - that's blooming. Chromatic aberration (which is caused by
the lens) is always radial in character.
- gisle hannemyr [ gisle{at}hannemyr.no - http://folk.uio.no/gisle/ ]
When you say you live in the real world, which one are you referring to?