need help with this acer 8920g the screen goes blank after a couple of minutes on so i replace the inverter that i bought in ebay for $11 it work for a couple of days then died i got a replacement now this one if the laptop is plug in the charger and i turn it on it will work great. but if i turn it off and unplug from charger and turn it on only on battery it will work ok for a couple minutes then screen goes blank you can still see the picture in the back if you flash a light on the screen, no matter how many times i reboot it will start ok then screen goes blank. so since i bought this for so cheap i bought another inverter from ebay used in good working conditions, i install it then turn laptop on and blank screen you can still see the picture if you flash a light on the screen. my question, ?is it possible that all three inverters are defective or is there something else wrong with my acer 8920g?