Acer Liquid Vs Samsung Jet - Which ONE?


Dec 30, 2009
hey everyone!
In 1,5 month i will get a cellphone i have seen two wich i like the Acer and Samsung, BUT i can't decide which ones!
I would want to see an comparison or anyone that knows things about the cells.

Samsung Jet (pros cons)
+Better camera
+Better screen (AMOLED)(although the Acer one is bigger)
+Supports more video formats (Xvid,DivX)
+ Nice touchscreen with nice graphicall appearance.
+Nice and light
+Got a lightning fast 800 mhz processor for nice flow and no lagging....
- ... but doesnt come in handy cause it doesnt have som many apps.
- not so much widgets,apps,games.
- limited OS though there is an SDK out.
- smaller screen than Acer.

Acer Liquid
+Bigger Screen
+More widgets,apps and games for download.
+Maybe a free update to Android 2.0
+fast processor that wil come in handy.
- not as good an crisp screen as the Jet.
- no flash for the camera, bad image and recording quality compared to the Jet.
- more expensive
- still running a bit more half done 1.6 OS, and Acer isn't sure if they will give the acer an update.
- not so many video files supported (ARE THERE ANY PLAYER IN ANDROID THAT SUPPORTS AVI!?!?!)

my budget goes to about 600 dollars and it's 1,5 half months left.
Is there anything else in that price range to buy or will there come more phones later that is worth saving for?
How much is the price going to sink in about 2 months?
Definitely go with Jet. i have been looking to get this phone for a couple weeks just. a tiny bit short on money though. But after reading MANY reviews on it, there is nothing wrong with it.
k thx but do you know like any other phones to look at in that price at about 600 dollars maximum?
Of course maybe i will buy the samsung it's just the app part but i guess i dont really need it.
I might just make it up with a meal on a restaurant and a 8 gb card for it and it's still cheaper than liquid 😛 .
But i will still watch out for liquid as for maybe modding,tweaking,updates etc
Samsungs still have apps, but not thousands like the almighty android phones. for less than 600, definitely go with the Google Nexus One, they sell it direct for $530. And its android.
not here in Sweden 🙁((
her it costs about 1000 dollars = 7000 SEK kr no, i'm not kidding!
maybe a good site where i could buy the nexus one or other phone sso cheap from (USA i guess?) to Sweden....
So darn expensive here!
shipping would/should be cheaper than the difference between 530 and 1000. so if you find somewhere that would ship to you.
i still just love the jet only downside is that it lacks few apps other than that it's awesome !
think i will buy it instead of the brick like Liquid.