You do need internet access or a data plan through your wireless carrier for Netflix.
Also, I like what Amazon is doing with networks like AMC. If you want to watch the current season while it's playing on TV, you can buy a season pass. You can watch the show within a day after it airs. That's if you can't wait a year to watch it for free... With a season pass, you also 'own' the shows and they are kept stored in the cloud.
I did this for Walking Dead. This way, I don't have to even subscribe to cable TV in order to watch my favorite cable programming during the season it's playing on cable.
I can see this catching on. Actually subscribing to a show rather than paying for 100s of channels x 100s of shows you'll never watch. What a concept?! I could see HBO tossing their hat into this arena with Game of Thrones (fingers crossed).