Akai reel to reel repair I have distortion and low volume on the right channel w


Aug 28, 2012
The model # is Akai GX 635D,
Is the low volume problem on start up typical of that models aged circuit board problems. Is there a cap or transistor that I should be looking for to change out?

As I stated the unit works great after an hour or so of constant playing, but who wants to put up with that.

If the heads are clean...
then you probably are looking for a bad transistor, or you need to clean all the controls and relays...or you have a bad solder connection.
So, you can start by finding the schematic service manual. Try E bay, etc...
Other than that, test equipment, O scope would be a big help.
If the heads are clean...
then you probably are looking for a bad transistor, or you need to clean all the controls and relays...or you have a bad solder connection.
So, you can start by finding the schematic service manual. Try E bay, etc...
Other than that, test equipment, O scope would be a big help.
I just bought new trans. , caps. and service manual. so I guess i'll break out the old test equipment and get started.
I think most of the transistors are NPN.

Thanks for your help!