So, I pretty much set my mind on buying an Alienware m11x
. It seems really neat in many regards and I really need a small laptop but I really wanna game on it too. Anyhow, my biggest concern are the upgrades. I decided right of the bat to get a 4gb instead of 2gb
(I don't think anyone would argue with this, but please feel free to do so if you are so inclined). After that, however, the only thing I am looking at is the processor. I have tried to find charts that shows the difference in horse-power between a SU4100 and a SU7300.
I am not a genius when it comes to computers, so that's why I am asking you guys. I understand that a SU7300 is better and all... but for what purposes. I have been told several times that CPUs doesn't really matters anymore for gaming, I don't know how true that is. On Alienware's website it states that the SU4100 is a regular pentium and that the SU7300 is a core duo... is that correct?
I thought both of them where Core Duos...
Moreover... to my final question... for what purposes will these processors differentiate? What I mean is... will I notice a huge difference when browsing the web, working in windows, multi-tasking, etc? The price difference is $100... which is a lot of money imo... is it worth it?
Thank you for any comments, really appreciate it. 😍

I am not a genius when it comes to computers, so that's why I am asking you guys. I understand that a SU7300 is better and all... but for what purposes. I have been told several times that CPUs doesn't really matters anymore for gaming, I don't know how true that is. On Alienware's website it states that the SU4100 is a regular pentium and that the SU7300 is a core duo... is that correct?
Moreover... to my final question... for what purposes will these processors differentiate? What I mean is... will I notice a huge difference when browsing the web, working in windows, multi-tasking, etc? The price difference is $100... which is a lot of money imo... is it worth it?
Thank you for any comments, really appreciate it. 😍