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"How come you always run out of tardy slips before you run out of
permission slips?"
Or, how come every product comes with a remote that it brags is a
universal remote that can control your other products, but no product
comes with the code number that would allow somebody else's universal
remote to control it? Everyone's willing to dish it out and nobody
wants to eat it. A game of cowboys and indians where nobody wants to
be the indians.
With some trial-and-error luck I might be able to get my Samsung
remote to control my Panasonic VCR, but I doubt I'm ever going to find
a way to control my bogus Vivo DVD player unless I can figure out some
other better-known brand the same set was marketed as.
Every remote is missing some important button anyway, so what the
hell, I keep on using all three.
(Don't tell this to the poor sad fourth remote in the corner that
never gets used... the one for my stereo's CD player.)
"How come you always run out of tardy slips before you run out of
permission slips?"
Or, how come every product comes with a remote that it brags is a
universal remote that can control your other products, but no product
comes with the code number that would allow somebody else's universal
remote to control it? Everyone's willing to dish it out and nobody
wants to eat it. A game of cowboys and indians where nobody wants to
be the indians.
With some trial-and-error luck I might be able to get my Samsung
remote to control my Panasonic VCR, but I doubt I'm ever going to find
a way to control my bogus Vivo DVD player unless I can figure out some
other better-known brand the same set was marketed as.
Every remote is missing some important button anyway, so what the
hell, I keep on using all three.
(Don't tell this to the poor sad fourth remote in the corner that
never gets used... the one for my stereo's CD player.)