allegedly universal remotes



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"How come you always run out of tardy slips before you run out of
permission slips?"

Or, how come every product comes with a remote that it brags is a
universal remote that can control your other products, but no product
comes with the code number that would allow somebody else's universal
remote to control it? Everyone's willing to dish it out and nobody
wants to eat it. A game of cowboys and indians where nobody wants to
be the indians.

With some trial-and-error luck I might be able to get my Samsung
remote to control my Panasonic VCR, but I doubt I'm ever going to find
a way to control my bogus Vivo DVD player unless I can figure out some
other better-known brand the same set was marketed as.

Every remote is missing some important button anyway, so what the
hell, I keep on using all three.

(Don't tell this to the poor sad fourth remote in the corner that
never gets used... the one for my stereo's CD player.)
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Why don't you buy a truly universal remote that can learn codes from your
other remotes? The Philips Pronto was a popular one last time I looked into
this. And believe me, there's plenty of buttons to assign functionality to,
so you'll never have to use any of the others again 🙂


"Paul Kienitz" <> wrote in message
> "How come you always run out of tardy slips before you run out of
> permission slips?"
> Or, how come every product comes with a remote that it brags is a
> universal remote that can control your other products, but no product
> comes with the code number that would allow somebody else's universal
> remote to control it? Everyone's willing to dish it out and nobody
> wants to eat it. A game of cowboys and indians where nobody wants to
> be the indians.
> With some trial-and-error luck I might be able to get my Samsung
> remote to control my Panasonic VCR, but I doubt I'm ever going to find
> a way to control my bogus Vivo DVD player unless I can figure out some
> other better-known brand the same set was marketed as.
> Every remote is missing some important button anyway, so what the
> hell, I keep on using all three.
> (Don't tell this to the poor sad fourth remote in the corner that
> never gets used... the one for my stereo's CD player.)
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We need a word for remotes that are halfway universal but not
universally universal. Maybe we can call them "galactic" remotes.
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote in news:1101986281.424229.289680

> We need a word for remotes that are halfway universal but not
> universally universal. Maybe we can call them "galactic" remotes.

I have to say that the remote for my Kenwood receiver is truly universal as
far as the stuff in my house goes. It is able to control all of it,
including the air conditioner!

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

A false witness is worse than no witness at all.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

In, Dave Oldridge <> wrote:

> I have to say that the remote for my Kenwood receiver is truly universal as
> far as the stuff in my house goes. It is able to control all of it,
> including the air conditioner!

I use an old subwoofer I got from a friend. It is made to be the center
of an HTIB, with outputs for the other speakers.

It came with a remote that allowed the relative levels to be set.

The remote is missing, the levels are screwed up (the sub is set to max
volume) and the unit is no longer made. The manufacturer (jensen) sold
the line to a third party. The third party no longer has any remotes

No "galactic" remotes seem to list this product. I've tried the
automatic find setting on every remote I've got, but none of them cause
the subwoofer to respond.

Any suggestions?

In the councils of government, we must guard against the
acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought,
by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the
disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
-- Dwight David Eisenhower
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Try :

They have a few "ccf" files for programable remotes that are for
subwoofers and in general are a huge remote control resource.

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 19:53:33 +0000 (UTC),

>In, Dave Oldridge <> wrote:
>> I have to say that the remote for my Kenwood receiver is truly universal as
>> far as the stuff in my house goes. It is able to control all of it,
>> including the air conditioner!
>I use an old subwoofer I got from a friend. It is made to be the center
>of an HTIB, with outputs for the other speakers.
>It came with a remote that allowed the relative levels to be set.
>The remote is missing, the levels are screwed up (the sub is set to max
>volume) and the unit is no longer made. The manufacturer (jensen) sold
>the line to a third party. The third party no longer has any remotes
>No "galactic" remotes seem to list this product. I've tried the
>automatic find setting on every remote I've got, but none of them cause
>the subwoofer to respond.
>Any suggestions?
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote in

> In, Dave Oldridge <>
> wrote:
>> I have to say that the remote for my Kenwood receiver is truly
>> universal as far as the stuff in my house goes. It is able to
>> control all of it, including the air conditioner!
> I use an old subwoofer I got from a friend. It is made to be the
> center of an HTIB, with outputs for the other speakers.
> It came with a remote that allowed the relative levels to be set.
> The remote is missing, the levels are screwed up (the sub is set to
> max volume) and the unit is no longer made. The manufacturer (jensen)
> sold the line to a third party. The third party no longer has any
> remotes left.
> No "galactic" remotes seem to list this product. I've tried the
> automatic find setting on every remote I've got, but none of them
> cause the subwoofer to respond.
> Any suggestions?

Well, I've never met a remote that could be programmed numerically with
all codes, but this Kenwood will learn what it doesn't have in its

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667

A false witness is worse than no witness at all.