[citation][nom]nottheking[/nom]So we add the Kindle to the list of electronics that saw either their best-holiday season ever, or their best Black Friday week sales ever, on top of the Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, 3DS... I may have missed it if it was announced, but I think at this rate it's safe to say the same applies for iOS and Android devices in general. Economic recovery & growth? Or are gadgets making up more and more of consumer spending? Or is it both?Well, given that Christmas doesn't have a monopoly on the season, (unlike, to take another Christian holiday, say, Easter or St. Patrick's Day) it would make a bit of sense to use an umbrella term. Especially when it's almost invariably coupled with the secular holiday that follows one week later: New Year's. (hence "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's") Even just from how cumbersome the full phrase is, it could still make sense to say "Happy Holidays" in the true plural sense, even when one ISN'T trying to offend fellow Christians so insecure in their beliefs that they can't stand to be reminded that their holiday is based on almost every pagan religion out there... And that, as you suggest, 24-40% of Americans aren't even Christian anyway.Still, it's no real reason to get all upset over; even though it's pretty established that Jesus wasn't born then, it's perfectly fine to make it an occasion for sharing, being with family, etc. I'll just pass on the Christmas music in October, thank you.[/citation]
just so you get where I'm coming from, I'm an atheist.
I don't even see Christmas as a Christian holiday.
At least to me Christmas is about being together with family, getting a crap ton of presents, and trying to make others happy by giving.
I might see it differently if I actually went to church, because at least my dad that the family is religious, but I never have and probably never will. In America it's more or less majority rule until you offend someone that is the will of the one outweighs the will of the many, and that is something I find very annoying.
Because of a vocal minority Christmas had to kowtow to them them and became happy holidays.