[amd radeon 6770m] Dying graphics card?

Oct 16, 2018
Hi all, my first post here :)

On saturday my beloved 2011 HP dv6-6170sl, just two weeks after I got him a new ssd drive, started behaving oddly.

It has a i7-2630qm cpu, 8 gb ram, integrated Intel 3000 graphics + discrete AMD Radeon 6770m, running Windows 10 home
It's a fresh install on the new ssd, and it automatically found all of the drivers including the graphic cards, with everything working properly including the dynamic switchable graphics.

On saturday afternoon I had just launched Trackmania (which I've already been playing for a few weeks and even the same morning), when I had a hard system freeze which required a power-button reboot to unlock.
After rebooting, I just got blank screen or I was stuck on Windows loading dots.

Long story short, after a Sunday spent formatting, rebooting, trying different drivers combinations, I got the system working with the latest UnifL drivers and the AMD Settings app (not the catalyst control center)
Until I try launching any software that accesses the discrete gpu: then I either get a system freeze or a bsod with a "THREAD STUCK IN DEVICE DRIVER" error.
At least, I got to that conclusion because I get that problem with Autocad, Sketchup and Furmark too.
Gpu-Z, on the other hand, is able to read both Intel and AMD gpus data with no problem.

Can I fix this somehow?
Or at least can I be sure it's the Radeon's fault and somehow just turn it off?
(for basic office usage the notebook is still great, although I need 3d apps for my job so I'll need to get a new one anyways)

Had this happened 3 weeks ago I would've had been happy to buy a new pc, but I just refreshed this one with the new ssd and I'd like it to last some more months

(I hope everything is clear, my technical English is a bit rusty)

Thank you
The problem you're seeing is that the OS is downloading drivers that are not compatible for your system or is reverting to a GPU that does not output to your primary screen(treating it like it's the secondary monitor) which is why you get a black screen. See if you can uninstall the drivers that the OS updates to and use a driver from the time and age of the 6770M's first launch or latter revisions, namely CCC, not Radeon drivers. I've had to do some trial and error runs with older GPU's and later drivers but Windows 10 likes to do things it's own way.

Actually the problem right now is not the black screen, what's troubling me are the system freezes/bsod when something requires the discrete gpu I believe.
As long as I browse, do office work or even use Photoshop/Illustrator it works fine (on the integrated gpu I believe). As soon as I launch Autocad or Sketchup, the system freezes even before the program fully loads (but I can see its window appearing)

I messed around quite a bit with DDU and tried reinstalling some drivers I knew to be working, as I was using those before installing the new ssd. (note that I uninstalled the drivers in safe mode and installed the "new" ones with the internet disconnected)
What's strange is that until saturday everything worked fine, even with the drivers Windows installed on its own.