AMD radeon R7 M260 problem

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Oct 8, 2015
Hello everyone

I have a Toshiba laptop with AMD radeon R7 M260 and Intel(r) HD graphic.

I never really paid attention to it since I could play most games I wanted without problems. But overnight I noticed games like Skyrim became very slow. I did a lot of checks, including, drivers, various games, switchable graphic settings etc... Basically the problem is the same for all the games I have tried. It seems to be the Radeon card causing the issue. When I disable it or run in power saving mode (i.e. using the Intel card only), everything works fine as long as the resolution is not too high which makes sense, but as soon as I enable the Radeon card the games become very slow, even at the lowest resolutions.

Anyone has experienced this before? I thought the problem was due to some Windows/driver updates as it appeared overnight but I could not find out what could have caused it (I am on Windows 10 by the way) and updating/reinstalling the drivers did not solve the problem and Windows tells me the card is working properly. Could my Radeon card be fried?

Thanks in advance for your help!
when you tried to fix the problem with reinstalling the drivers.... which drivers did you reinstall? did you reinstall the official amd catalyst drivers from their website? or did you install the modified/custom amd video drivers from the toshiba website?

what is the model of your laptop?

use the toshiba drivers if they have windows10 versions available, which they should if your laptop is relatively new. official amd mobile catalyst drivers will likely give you problems.

windows10 might have inadvertently auto installed the official amd driver version.
I first installed the drivers from the automatic search in the device manager. Then I downloaded and installed the catalyst driver from the AMD website.

My laptop is a Satellite L50-B PSKTAA bought about 8 months ago.

I have downloaded the latest Toshiba drivers available I think. But none of them seems to be for the graphic cards. I have tried to look on their website but there is nothing for the AMD card (Australian site as I am in NZ). Is there a Toshiba software I can use that will search for the right driver?

I have the same problem dude. I too tried to do everything I could possible do to try and solve it, even going so far as restauring the system, needless to say it didn't work... Well at least I'm happy i'm not the only one, let's hope amd or microsoft solves it fast! Props for the post.
This may come late, but hey I found a temporary solution. So the thing is, downgrading the amd drivers won't solve a thing at least when you restart the pc. What happens is that when you downgrade, let's say to version 14, you can play your games until you restart your computer, because it will update automatically (I tried to stop this effect without success so....). Well the solution I found isn't that good but at least you can play your games without having too always uninstall and install past versions of your amd drivers after the restart, so you just need to deactivate the amd graphics card and use only the intel one. The games won't have the same graphics quality ofc, but it's better than nothing. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah pretty simple -.-
Thanks nikoli707 and Someday_7 for your answers! I am kind of glad to know there is nothing I can do and I just need to wait for a new driver update. I was starting to think I would have to do something painful, like reinstalling Windows or sending the laptop back to the manufacturer.

Yeah this automatic update is a pain. When I uninstall the driver, it automatically download the latest one, before I can even install one I have saved on my hard drive... In the meantime I have managed to play the game successfully by setting the graphic settings to "power saving" rather than "high performance" in the AMD catalyst control centre. That way it doesn't try to use the AMD card, similar to what you propose Someday_7.

Interestingly I installed the AMD System Monitor to check how much the card was being used when in "high performance" but I found that the card usage always stays at 0%. But it must be trying to use it somehow (and failing) since it is actually slowing the game down compared to when the card is deactivated. I used GPU-Z to check if I could identify the problem and weirdly the AMD card temperature reported by the driver is constantly at 511degC !!!, compared to 41degC for the Intel card (measured by a sensor). Maybe the driver is sending the wrong temperature signal which create the problem? Anyway these are speculations..

Thanks again for the responses and I hope they issue a new driver soon!
I have the exact same problem. I also have a Toshiba Laptop. Rolling back the driver does temporarily help but it keeps reinstalling the new one even though I have disabled automatic driver updating (so frustrating!) and I constantly forget that I have to roll back the driver each day ruining games for other people (I play a lot of online team games).

A weird thing I found with the new driver is that it only slows down games when something for the first time happens. Using LoL as an example whenever you first look at a new part of the map, first get a kill, first use an ability, first time get killed, first turret shot it lags for a bit. Note it only happens for the FIRST TIME something happens. After that it goes back to normal and everything is fine but new things are constantly happening in the game so it is a big problem.

I already made the mistake of restoring my system (silly me) 🙁
Hello everyone.

I´m having the same problem and i think is related to the update of the AMD , the update is "Advanced Micro Devices" ....For me , this update ruin all my games. My question is how to unnistal or eliminate this update?


control panel ----> System Security ------> System -------> Device Manager -------> Display Adapters ---> click on amd radeon ------> roll back driver

remember to do this each time u restart ur comp as it will update it automatically even if u disabled driver updates
I have the exact same problem. When I switch to power saving gpu everything works fine. I also figured that this is happening when I see something new for the first time in game, just as @chamdin said.
Same problem here with my Toshiba satellite and it's gc AMD R7 M260.
Look like it's only concerning our card guys... i installed autodeductility and it says all my drivers are already updated.
not sure that the R7 M260 is working well on win10 (on win8 i had no problems)

If one of you guys has a solution, please tell us !
Guys I think I found solution! This is what I did: 1. Updated BIOS from HP site 2. Installed AMD chipset drivers 3. Installed graphics driver from HP site for my AMD graphics card 4. In device manager updated (rolled back) drivers to previous version 15.7.1 (15.200.1062.1004). After reboot I ran windows update and it said that everything is up to date ( WU didn't download and install latest driver that messed up whole thing). I tried few games on High performance GPU and everything is fine! :)
I have a toshiba satellite pro laptop, with intel and amd r7 260m switchable graphics.

The machine came with win 7 installed, and I upgraded it to win 10 (there is no rollback option any more...) which was a bad move.

Overnight, about a week ago, something changed and the machine has been experiencing the same problems that you guys are mentioning.

I wiped everything and started again, win 10 install (HWID meant direct install, no upgrade from win7), had to find some kind of secret toshiba drivers before toshiba AMD CCC would recognise the R7... It was a major pain.

Now, games will not run without the same first instance lag that you describe - the frame rate is lower and the fan doesn't come on to cool the card down like it used to. There is no fan control.

I've tried sticking things to high performance mode in power saving and switchable graphics, but it doesn't help. Even though the applications and games recognise that the R7 is the card to use, the performance sucks.

This is especially annoying as I am away from home for 3 months and I work a lot with photoshop, after effects and illustrator (stupid me not getting nvidia cuda card...) and since whatever happened, adobe apps have been throwing GPU problems at me.

I think it might have been a driver update, as the machine was running games like Fallout NV fine before I left - after restart and "we're updating your system, relax" - the game is unplayable as it lags as things are first loaded (which is all the time in games like fallout).

Bascially - it's reduced the machine to either be R7 with non-usable lag, or intel graphics.

Poor choice in laptop and GPU, is all I can say.

Won't be choosing anything but Nvidia in future... Never had a problem with Nvidia in all my years.

Let's hope something happens to sort this out - downgrading to win 7 / 8.1 isn't something I want to do, just to be able to use my machine.
oh also - I think that a limiting factor of the Toshiba laptop with this card is the hard drive... It's very, very slow...

In win 10, you might notice that when the GPU is running high performance, that the HDD will be 100% in any monitor you use.
Windows antimalware service is usually the culprit, and it is scanning every resource that is being sent through the driver...

This might account for the delay in loading things the first time - the disc becomes clogged up and causes a momentary performance jutter.

I've decided:
Toshiba laptops suck great big donkey balls, and this AMD switchable graphics card sucks the rest of the donkey's bits.

im on the same boat too, i have a toshiba i5 core laptop with AMD RADEON R7 M260 and INTEL HD 5200 card with Windows 10 and my graphics card is always set to intel HD 5200. I need the better graphics card when using my 3D sketch up modelling software. Any permanent solutions guys?
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