American Idol 3/22



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A kind person IVS'd me American Idol for 3/22 (not the 3/23) repeat, but
the sound is terrible. Does ANYONE here have a good copy of the program
that can be sent to me? If you had it in HIGH speed and transferred it
to tape, I would love to have a copy of the tape. Please indulge me!

Does anyone know why the sound would be bad? I received a different show
earlier in the week, so the problem is not in my system.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

mcp6453 wrote:
> A kind person IVS'd me American Idol for 3/22 (not the 3/23) repeat, but
> the sound is terrible. Does ANYONE here have a good copy of the program
> that can be sent to me? If you had it in HIGH speed and transferred it
> to tape, I would love to have a copy of the tape. Please indulge me!
> Does anyone know why the sound would be bad? I received a different show
> earlier in the week, so the problem is not in my system.

People on the avsforum were complaining about the show's sound quality.

High quality does nothing for sound. Std, Medium, and High all encode
the sound the same.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Tony D. wrote:
> mcp6453 wrote:
>> A kind person IVS'd me American Idol for 3/22 (not the 3/23) repeat,
>> but the sound is terrible. Does ANYONE here have a good copy of the
>> program that can be sent to me? If you had it in HIGH speed and
>> transferred it to tape, I would love to have a copy of the tape.
>> Please indulge me!
>> Does anyone know why the sound would be bad? I received a different
>> show earlier in the week, so the problem is not in my system.
> People on the avsforum were complaining about the show's sound quality.
> High quality does nothing for sound. Std, Medium, and High all encode
> the sound the same.

I have done some experimenting and was delighted to learn that I had a
setting wrong on that input channel of the amplifier. (Each input
remembers its own settings for EQ, mode, etc.) Unfortunately, I was
disappointed to learn that for some reason the show is in mono. Other
shows recorded and played back on the same unit are fine, but this show
is not right.