Sorry if this in the wrong category but I couldn't find any fitting category. I'm not sure what mobile computing is but it might be more fitting there I don't know. Sorry anyways.
I updated my Sony Xperia X Compact to the newest available version. After I did, I have a constant notification that I only have the alarm sound on and that the rest are muted. I have everything else muted to reduce how "messy" everything is on my phone and because I like to keep myscreen empty as possible. This new notification disturbs me for the only reason I have the sound of being in order to avoid such disturbing moments just in the way. Is there any way to delete that notification? On other apps, there is an option to block the app from sending notifications, but it can not be deleted because it comes from "Android System." The notification disappears when I turn on the sound but I do not want the sound or vibration because I just think it's bothering and if I can not find my phone I only use "Android Device Manager" via my iPad and then the phone makes noise no matter which settings you have.
Please help me! It's minimally irritating the heck out of me. Thanks!
I updated my Sony Xperia X Compact to the newest available version. After I did, I have a constant notification that I only have the alarm sound on and that the rest are muted. I have everything else muted to reduce how "messy" everything is on my phone and because I like to keep myscreen empty as possible. This new notification disturbs me for the only reason I have the sound of being in order to avoid such disturbing moments just in the way. Is there any way to delete that notification? On other apps, there is an option to block the app from sending notifications, but it can not be deleted because it comes from "Android System." The notification disappears when I turn on the sound but I do not want the sound or vibration because I just think it's bothering and if I can not find my phone I only use "Android Device Manager" via my iPad and then the phone makes noise no matter which settings you have.
Please help me! It's minimally irritating the heck out of me. Thanks!