Anonymous Just Dumped 1.7GB of Dept. of Justice Data

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Mar 6, 2009
[citation][nom]ProDigit10[/nom]Anonymus is threading in dangerous waters!If they push too hard, the government might push back, and kick us all off the internet!I would not know what to do without internet, but to be bored all day in my house!No more occasionally downloading a song or movie, no more youtube or facebook (or twitter or chatrooms, or software or ,....)lets hope government will not enforce govt firewalls, and restrict internet access.If anyone would be to blame for this it would be the govt, but fired by anonymus... That won't be fun![/citation]

I would not allow that to happen peacefully.


Oct 20, 2008
[citation][nom]hasten[/nom]Can all you US haters please explain to me what your ultimate solution is? A realistic one, I'm not going back to hunter gathering. I started as a sociology major many years ago so I am keen to all the alternatives, but none of them realistically give me the quality of life I am experiencing now... In Europe or the US (yes we are interconnected). So give me a solution. Just cause the government doesn't want you pirating anymore you're butthurt? Pirating is stealing another hard working human beings work, that's a fact. I don't care if you think software/media is overpriced, your actions are harming fellow people. It's not the corporate fat cats, it's all the developers, producers, testers, and more that are hurt by your actions. You can live without 100 different games to play.Sure there are always hold to extremes and on both sides of this discussion and we have met plenty that hold those beliefs, but really? The sheep on both ends hold insane views... don't be a sheep. Do some research, find out what really bothers you and stop listening to whatever figurehead you think you believe in right now. None of the actions of these "protest" groups are helping anything, they more likely are making it worse. If you want to make a difference, don't hide behind a forum and some script kiddies, go and vote. Campaign for those who hold your views. I know you'll have to leave the basement, but it's not like you have jobs (J/K!!!).Feel free to downvote. I have never posted anything this "politically charged" (it isnt'), and jumped around a bit... but cmon children this is getting out of control.[/citation]

A wall of text to say SO many things that have time and time again been shutdown( that's a fact). You sir are a ninny and are really out of touch if you do live in the usa. Everything changes, adapt or diminish. Oh wait, that's unless you're "to big to fail". That's just the way it is..quit whining defeatist shill.


Jun 30, 2008
Okay so they got 1.7gb of data. whoopie! None of it worth anything to people. If you are going to do this do not release data that provides nothing to the people. That is the word right "people", "the masses"? Well most of them are not going to care about config files, emails about bug reports, or any of the other worthless things Anon has released. Anon, if what you say is true in regards to your "mission statement" then I think you all need to step back a bit and really look at what your target audience wants and needs. So fare you have missed that mark.


Oct 20, 2008
such stupidity...what's all this for?....i am sure that they are doing some good, but at the same time they are doing a lot of harm...this is not good


Oct 20, 2008
[citation][nom]cuecuemore[/nom]Breaking news from 36 hours ago![/citation]
you my friend are not helping...just read and be quiet...who cares how long it takes for tom's to post the news, it's still news...learn how to relax and drink a cup of joe....tom's is not harming anyone by being a little late with the news


Mar 29, 2010
[citation][nom]hasten[/nom]Can all you US haters please explain to me what your ultimate solution is? A realistic one, I'm not going back to hunter gathering. I started as a sociology major many years ago so I am keen to all the alternatives, but none of them realistically give me the quality of life I am experiencing now... In Europe or the US (yes we are interconnected). So give me a solution. Just cause the government doesn't want you pirating anymore you're butthurt? Pirating is stealing another hard working human beings work, that's a fact. I don't care if you think software/media is overpriced, your actions are harming fellow people. It's not the corporate fat cats, it's all the developers, producers, testers, and more that are hurt by your actions. You can live without 100 different games to play.Sure there are always hold to extremes and on both sides of this discussion and we have met plenty that hold those beliefs, but really? The sheep on both ends hold insane views... don't be a sheep. Do some research, find out what really bothers you and stop listening to whatever figurehead you think you believe in right now. None of the actions of these "protest" groups are helping anything, they more likely are making it worse. If you want to make a difference, don't hide behind a forum and some script kiddies, go and vote. Campaign for those who hold your views. I know you'll have to leave the basement, but it's not like you have jobs (J/K!!!).Feel free to downvote. I have never posted anything this "politically charged" (it isnt'), and jumped around a bit... but cmon children this is getting out of control.[/citation]

There's no solution. Not if we are ruled in heiarchy. Any group of humans given power will eventually exploit it, some to a greater degree. If there was a way to become extremely rich and no way of getting caught, and it was common place, you'd probably do the same eventually as would most of us. The problem is that it's so obvious to us all now that we are being cheated everyday by the government. Example: The bank bail out. Nobody asked us anything, they just took the largest amount of money ever shelled out on anything before, and gave it to companies that deserved to fail. If they had failed, we would have progressed and better companies would be around now taking their place. On top of that, they then hired those same people into very high level treasury type positions. I don't know about you but that's like someone looking at me right in the eye, taking a 20 out of my wallet, telling me it's for my own good, and giving it to a thug on the street that's already casing your joint from the driveway.

Honestly, the only system that would work fairly would be an autonomous computer that decided everything logically, taking humans out of the equation. That itself would be impossible too as a human would have power when writing its software. Getting rid of money would be a good start. that's what all these problems come from anyways. If we had to work hard for things, we'd all be working.


well it looks like that guy is F^cked because they they what he looks like. Do they really think facial scans don't exist? lol his butts going to hurt in jail soon.


Sep 5, 2010
the script kiddies are Anon have to get it that us here at the networking teams know that if it is not even on the same physical device and has no physical and/or wireless connection then it cannot be hacked without an inside person. In the government hopefully they have no one from Anon and/or other hackivist groups as there are actually some sensitive documents which will hurt the USA if they ever got out but the contents of a Web Sever really? that is like you made your own web sever and uploaded with whats on the site then made a torrent out of it as it isn't anything useful for proving anything beyond they can bring up and maintain a web sever which is one of the most basic things they teach in Mircosoft certification class.
With this Anon also most likely made the USA goverment's security personal check and recheck their web links and network security if not even more then that and thus making it harder for others to crack into the USA systems. I think if that was the goal Anon did a good thing so thank you Anon make sure other places keep up their security systems as well.


Nov 22, 2008
Posting a huge amount of stolen data - 99% of which is prob. boring- is pretty ineffective as people will get tired of reading pretty fast.

Get the data, filter out the noise... than publish a few juicy bids or bomb shells..
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