What "support" of Anonymous are you referring to, exactly? These idiots are juveniles, cranks living in mom's basement, dirty apartments in Russia, China, and Romania (among many other locales), and ignorant malcontents who seem to thrive on being made into "hacktivist" (a cautious euphemism for a criminal) fools. Perhaps they feel that by exercising their DDoS power, they are forcing people into sitting up and taking notice and admiring what they do. Like Wikileaks and Assange, I think these people are dangerous idiots, arbitrarily using power they don't deserve and did nothing to earn. The technology available today makes these tools available far too easily and cheaply and gives these young cyberpunks a sense of entitlement. In the old days when you committed a crime you usually had to take a risk and sacrifice something to commit it - now criminals like these shoot their bullets with little to no fear of consequences. They do what they want and who cares who it impacts? Personally I hope it fails miserably.