I happen to work for the biggest department in Canada, and let me tell you, we want IE6 dead... the huge problem is our lame almost-reaching-retirement web dev taskforce. The intranet/internet is specifically coded for IE6, and has so many bugs with IE7/IE8 it's not even funny.
No one wants to take on the insane task of changing such a massive amount of high profile websites that are used every minute of the day by thousands of canadian citizens. And let me tell you, when it comes to the possibility of interrupting or possibly creating problems for the canadian public, it's worst than walking on eggshells; it's about one of the few things you could lose your permanent position over if it hits the medias or get screwed up just a BIT.
It's so bad, some people need VMs/extra computers with IE7/IE8 installed to access other websites of different formats. Sadly, it's a 100% pure Microsoft department, and using Firefox/Chrome/whatever else is taboo.
Conservatives FTL