Any Mic i use makes static buzz


Feb 14, 2013
i used to use a cheap £10 mic to talk and record and i would get static buzzing noise in the recording so i decided to get a new mic. I bought a Samson G Track and i still get the same buzzing, it persists no matter what gain i have the mic on so im pretty sure its not the mic it's self

any help would be appreciated :)
Have you tried using the mic on a different machine? I have a feeling it is either your sound hardware, or else the driver. Try updating your driver. Also, if you try updating the driver and verified the mic works on another computer, check your Bios and make sure it is current also. Without knowing much about your system, that's the most general advice I can give.
i just tried my mic on my laptop (mac-book in case that's important)

system specs are

i5 3570k
asus p8z77-v lx
sapphire 7950
cx 600 psu
corsair ram

in case its important i have a corsair 300r.

im going to try updating drivers now