Any Rummage Sale finds?



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Hi all,

Anyone find anything since Rummage Sale Season has started up? I
haven't had much of a chance to hit many this year, but I'm hoping to
this weekend. Seems pretty dry for classic and neo-classic stuff, the
only thing I've seen recently was a Genesis console with 2 or 3 commons
for $4. Fair price, but I certainly don't need another Genny.

Anyone else have any luck recently?


Want to trade games?


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In article <EuLue.3376$B_3.1326@fe05.lga>,
"T. Rivet" <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone find anything since Rummage Sale Season has started up? I
> haven't had much of a chance to hit many this year, but I'm hoping to
> this weekend. Seems pretty dry for classic and neo-classic stuff, the
> only thing I've seen recently was a Genesis console with 2 or 3 commons
> for $4. Fair price, but I certainly don't need another Genny.
> Anyone else have any luck recently?

I haven't found any game stuff at a rummage sale in a long time.
However, this year's flea, thrift and garage/yard sale action has met
with some results, of which I have already posted.



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>this weekend. Seems pretty dry for classic and neo-classic stuff, the

Actually, yeah. I haven't traditionally been a big garage sale guy, but
the thrifts around here are so awful I started. I've actually seen a
small resurgence in classic gaming stuff recently. Nothing really great,
but for a few years there I was seeing nothing, at all. Unfortunatly, now
that I'm married I really have to be able to justify any purchases, so I
end up passing on most stuff. I did find some old tabletops at a garage
sale the other week, including "Electronic Milton" and "I took a Lickin'
from a Chicken."
Jim Leek


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James Robert Leek wrote:
>>this weekend. Seems pretty dry for classic and neo-classic stuff, the
> Actually, yeah. I haven't traditionally been a big garage sale guy, but
> the thrifts around here are so awful I started. I've actually seen a
> small resurgence in classic gaming stuff recently. Nothing really great,
> but for a few years there I was seeing nothing, at all. Unfortunatly, now
> that I'm married I really have to be able to justify any purchases, so I
> end up passing on most stuff. I did find some old tabletops at a garage
> sale the other week, including "Electronic Milton" and "I took a Lickin'
> from a Chicken."

Better than me, I've seen nothing this weekend. Nothing brag worthy
anyway... Oh well, maybe tomorrow.


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T. Rivet wrote:

> James Robert Leek wrote:
>>> this weekend. Seems pretty dry for classic and neo-classic stuff, the
>> Actually, yeah. I haven't traditionally been a big garage sale guy,
>> but the thrifts around here are so awful I started. I've actually
>> seen a small resurgence in classic gaming stuff recently. Nothing
>> really great, but for a few years there I was seeing nothing, at all.
>> Unfortunatly, now that I'm married I really have to be able to justify
>> any purchases, so I end up passing on most stuff. I did find some old
>> tabletops at a garage sale the other week, including "Electronic
>> Milton" and "I took a Lickin' from a Chicken."
> Better than me, I've seen nothing this weekend. Nothing brag worthy
> anyway... Oh well, maybe tomorrow.



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In article <d9hus6$15el$>, (James Robert Leek) wrote:

> I did find some old tabletops, including "I took a Lickin'
> from a Chicken."

Ooo, I can't touch that any further than I already have. That's just
going to far.

Anyway, I've noticed that pre-NES stuff has fallen somewhat in final
selling price on eBay, so I think a number of SumGuy's have moved on to
more lucrative items, like yu-gi-o cards or something.



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- Found an Atari 2600 with 36 games with all the manuals
--- came with a few carts I didn't have Sorcerer, Fathom and Suberreanea
(finally! - I loved that game) it was $20 for all she originally wanted 40
but she said it didn't sell last year at the community sale (I missed it
last year) so said make me an offer...I can't believe no one bought it

(Note old school but worthy find)

Last weekend I found at a random sale that I drove by thinkin hey maybe
those cds on the table are PSX games... wow sure enough they all were for $1
each (all like new). Medevil, Rhapsody, FF Anthology, Parasite Eve 1 and 2,
Chronicles of the Sword (I think), couple PS2 games - something Fantasia and
Eternal Ring $3 each.

Today I picked up at half off Goodwill:
A bare SNES (not a limited edition yellow but grey!) ($2.50)
A bare PSX ($2.50)
A Super Joy with multicart ($2.50) (thats not a normal find)

Definitely not normal Goodwill prices (laughs)

Bought a Poltergeist original soundtrack record with biography info inserts
and Raising Cain Laserdisc at an antique fleamarket/event for $1 (kinda
funny how some of the antique vendors would put their records in the sun. It
was 94 today.)


"T. Rivet" <> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> Anyone find anything since Rummage Sale Season has started up? I
> haven't had much of a chance to hit many this year, but I'm hoping to
> this weekend. Seems pretty dry for classic and neo-classic stuff, the
> only thing I've seen recently was a Genesis console with 2 or 3 commons
> for $4. Fair price, but I certainly don't need another Genny.
> Anyone else have any luck recently?
> Tim
> --
> Want to trade games?


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VastFear wrote:
> - Found an Atari 2600 with 36 games with all the manuals
> --- came with a few carts I didn't have Sorcerer, Fathom and Suberreanea
> (finally! - I loved that game) it was $20 for all she originally wanted 40
> but she said it didn't sell last year at the community sale (I missed it
> last year) so said make me an offer...I can't believe no one bought it
> though.

Not bad, nice to see there are still some real classics out to be had...

> A bare SNES (not a limited edition yellow but grey!) ($2.50)

LOL! :^)

> A bare PSX ($2.50)

> A Super Joy with multicart ($2.50) (thats not a normal find)

The multi cart alone is a good find (Depending on the cart, of course)

Want to trade games?


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"T. Rivet" <> wrote in news:EuLue.3376$B_3.1326

> Hi all,
> Anyone find anything since Rummage Sale Season has started up? I
> haven't had much of a chance to hit many this year, but I'm hoping to
> this weekend. Seems pretty dry for classic and neo-classic stuff, the
> only thing I've seen recently was a Genesis console with 2 or 3 commons
> for $4. Fair price, but I certainly don't need another Genny.

I got a NISB Atari 2600 a little while ago... nothing since then, though.
I found a neat NASA patch, which I bought for a quarter just to give it
a good home.

Today, I found a long string of yard sales-- all duds. One did have a
board game called "Ecstasy II: The Game for Lovers". I admit to being
mildly curious, but I didn't get it for two reasons: One, all of the
current owners were over 60, so ick, and two... well, some things you
just don't buy secondhand, mmmkay?


Aaron "Once again, ick" Bossig


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In article <Xns9681CF1CECDC6linkvb06SpammersWill@>,
"Aaron J. Bossig" <> wrote:

> Today, I found a long string of yard sales-- all duds. One did have a
> board game called "Ecstasy II: The Game for Lovers". I admit to being
> mildly curious, but I didn't get it for two reasons: One, all of the
> current owners were over 60, so ick, and two... well, some things you
> just don't buy secondhand, mmmkay?

Don't worry, you didn't miss anything. Back in the day, a buddy opf
mine got it from Spencer Gifts (at the tail end of their days of being
a head shop; anyone else remember when they sold bongs and roach
clips?). By today's standards, it was pg-13 at best. You talked about
things to do in the game, but the game didn't makeyou do anything, and
it didn't have any innovative ideas, but rather tried to get you to come
up with your own.
