Apple Considered World's Best Brand

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Apple is the brand with the biggest impact on consumers world wide. According to a survey conducted by, consumers all around the world are keeping their eyes most closely on Apple. The computer and music company gained top reviews in vir

Apple Considered World's Best Brand : Read more


I think the results has to do alot with the type of people you ask, I and most people I know think Apples are for snobs that dont know any better. Overpriced and over-rated. They have had some good ideas but as far as I can tell as they grow there ideas and brains are getting Smaller. (like most Co. do). There more of a Nich still. But thats my 2 Cents


Jan 2, 2008
I agree, the only thing Apple has made in the last 10 years that impresses me, even a little bit, is the Iphone, simply because I like the large screen, I am used to touch screens, and it seems to be a good phone, atleast when the 3G revision comes out, to browse the internet.


I have to say most, emphasize most, Apple users are liberals.


Apple is the ultimate brand in the same way that Vista is the ultimate operating system and Ebola is the ultimate disease.



If Apple was around for 100 years, can you imaging how great Windows would be by now!


Mar 31, 2008
Next time, note somewhere in the article that the survey consisted of less than 2,000 people, 74% of which are in marketing. Do you -honestly- think that constitutes the article title?

Didn't think so.


Wow...interesting comments. As a PC user who has switched, I can honestly say that 1) Apples are not for snobs, but people who prefer things that work and are straight forward 2) Both my home iMac and work Macbook Pro are the fastest, most stable computers I've ever owned/used...and I've been in the industry for nearly 15 years and have been using computers in some capacity (i.e. I'm ex-Navy)for more than 20. I don't bash PC's because I still use one on a daily basis, it's just that my PC is my Mac (via VMWare) and the flexibility it has brought me is AWESOME!

I'll be the first to admit, I was never that impressed with Apple before either. After all, I couldn't run almost all of my software in it and all they REALLY represented was just eye-candy, right? However, once I started playing with one at work...I saw how wrong I was. Do yourself a favor, open your mind and REALLY use one for a bit and you'll see why people like myself and (no joke) nearly half of my co-workers (all computer/software industry pro's) have either switched or will switch at their next computer purchase. You'll see why the Mac laptops are out pacing the industry in sales. You'll see why reports are that 40% of college students are saying they'll purchase Apples while in school. Like I said, I like both platforms for what they are...but I LOVE the Apple for all the extra stuff it brings to the table. Just try it out, you might surprise yourself!


so where is the news? apple = lots of fanbois, since the very beginning. apple system are most easily comprised, as shown recently.

apple = way overrated, way overpriced.


The PC fanboys will NEVER accept that apple is doing well. They don't know any different. The will say things like "The iPod is the reason why any body thinks highly about apple" but your buddy at the top of MS has always loved the Mac.
Most people (PC Fanboys)never talk about their personal experience with a Mac because they have none. Very much me saying like Porsche sucks yet I have never owned one. You (PC Fanboys) Don't even own your own statements, Just your misconceptions and your denial that Apple is doing well.
Grow up.


I have used and worked with all types of operating systems for decades: UNIX, DOS, Windows, Linux, & MacOS.

I still put Mac computers in a category with Linux, not a main OS. Regardless of what I think of Linux or MacOS (and I actually like some of the new Linux Distros out there these days), I still have to fall back on Windows to do some of the things I do. Mac and Linux work like appliances, they do a limited set of things, but that's it.

As for stability, I will pit my Win XP machine against any Mac or Linux box, and you will find out they are both extremely stable. Why? Because I use quality hardware.
Mac is written to use a VERY limited selection of hardware (that you MUST buy from Apple Corp), and will simply not run on anything you didn't buy from them. Windows, on the other hand, will install easily, and run on hundreds of choices (most of them good) for hardware.

As for speed, I will put my XP machine up against any Mac OS machine of equal price, and I will blow your doors off. Period.

I have some friends that used Macs in the past (lifetime fanboi types), and they used to come over for lan parties I had, and they got tired of not being able to bring their own computers (they borrowed some of mine), and after using my XPs for an extended period of time, they came to the realization that their computer just couldn't do everything, but XP could. They also saw that my XPs were every bit as stable as their Macs, much to their surprise. They ended up buying XP machines when they wanted new ones, and their old macs now sit in their attics collecting dust.

They also realized what a value they could get for the money (and how much power was available) by being able to select their own hardware from any vendor, not being limited to what the Apple Gestapo decide to you must buy from them.

As for iPods, please... When I was shopping for a 30Gb player last year, I compared Ipod, Zune, and Zen, and for the money, nothing beat the Zen. It was the same price as the other two, but also came with an FM radio (Apple doesn't know what an FM radio is), the ability to record voice with a built-in mic, record Radio broadcasts, clock, calendar, sync with Outlook, Tasks, and a user-selectable sized section of the player that can be portioned off to become a 'dumb' flash drive that ANY O/S can recognize. Also, due to Creative's original interface (the one iPod copied, check the law suit), I don't have to deal with the crippling gerbil wheel of death for the thumb.

Apple is a successful company, and their marketing department is certainly the best in the world. After all, every commercial of theirs comes *THIS CLOSE* to lying, without actually lying. Mislead? Yes. Allow you to think something wrong? Certainly. But actually lying? Nope. (not according to law)

It's genius, really. And I respect that.



I HAVE used both. My wife owns a Mac. It's sitting about 7 feet away from me as I type this. I can honestly say that Macs are for computer illiterate people who like shiny things. If someone would like to point out, say, 3 areas where Macs are better than PCs, please let me know.


I HAVE used both. My wife owns a Mac. It's sitting about 7 feet away from me as I type this. I can honestly say that Macs are for computer illiterate people who like shiny things. If someone would like to point out, say, 3 areas where Macs are better than PCs, please let me know.


I don't think the average Jow who doesn't even know what a hard drive is, much less what GHz means, should use a PC. PC's require a bit of maintenance. Not a lot, but say five minutes every Saturday.

If you do the maintenance, then a $1,500 PC will blow the socks of ANY Mac out there at any price. In stability, speed, compatibility, general usefulness, security (yes I said security)... Pretty much anything computers do, PC will do better...

I use three PC's and two Macs. My Macs crash more than my PC's and I can't do anything on them. Oooh Itunes. Yay. Oooh Microsoft Word. Thhbt.

I wouldn't recommend a PC for my grandmother. Why? Because she still has to get past using a Mouse.

Oh, by the way, Mac's are going to have a major security problem soon. With their growing popularity but NOT growing security, hackers will soon turn their attention to them as well. But people will still say, "Oh but it's a Mac. It's good! Why would I put security on my perfect Mac?"


Dec 31, 2007
Email me if you dare to have a real discussion about Apple and Microsoft. Bring tech because I have not time for foolish Microsoft humpers.


Jan 23, 2007
i switched from PC to mac, i have to say i don't plan to switch back any time soon i can say it is superior to windows in every way (other than gaming), and if i ever (which i don't plan to) switch back to windows i can dual boot or just remove leopard, linux is not a real consumer option yet but i still use it for my server for it is superior in that field


Why would you dual boot on a Mac when you can dual boot on a PC and have better hardware for the price? Oh yeah, I forgot, it's shiny! Shininess definitely deserves at least a 50% price premium.


Over priced crap for morons and snobs who don't know any better.
World's best brand? What a joke. Don't care how you polish a's still a turd.
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