Hi TH!
I am really digging the MacBook air and Pro. I mean it does just about everything you could possibly want, right? Any way to my question. I really want one, but I don't want to pay that much for it. I'm getting my first job soon, and maybe I could save up then, but it still is a pricy laptop. Is there any notebook out there that is similar to the MacBook, but allows me to conserve some of my cash for other things? Like I am getting my license in 2 months, and in 2 or 3 years I am hoping to buy my first car. And we all know that's not cheap. So if anyone has a solution to my problem, please, don't be afraid to voice it. Thanks.
I am really digging the MacBook air and Pro. I mean it does just about everything you could possibly want, right? Any way to my question. I really want one, but I don't want to pay that much for it. I'm getting my first job soon, and maybe I could save up then, but it still is a pricy laptop. Is there any notebook out there that is similar to the MacBook, but allows me to conserve some of my cash for other things? Like I am getting my license in 2 months, and in 2 or 3 years I am hoping to buy my first car. And we all know that's not cheap. So if anyone has a solution to my problem, please, don't be afraid to voice it. Thanks.