The only reasons for Apple watches is to give Applecsomething to sell, and for the technology writer drones something to get paid for promoting and writing about.
If you don't understand that product promotion is the function of technology reviewers, then you need to wake up. It's the only reason they exist. Their generation of reviews and redundant blogs - chatter - is like TV advertising. Enough repetition, and most people start to believe that whatever is being sold is a normal and necessary part of life. Its why the US has more automobiles than adult citizens, crumbling highways, and a totally inadequate public transportation system. Without a war, the interstate defense highwy system would have never been built. Cars prolifeated only because of advertising a gadget that was inefficient and impractical.
I'm not a Luddite. If I needed a gadget to find way home, I woudn't buy an Apple Swiss army knife device; I'd buy a $3 compass or an $80 GPS with back track route logging. Either has an expected lifetime of decades, not months, is waterPROOF, shockPROOF and perfirms its functiln reliably and wrll.
If I needed a smartphone, I'm not crippled, too lazy to reach into my pocket to read it, or so deaf that I couldnt hear it. I'd get $150 basic Android device, not a +$400 Ai-pple, and have thousands of apps from which to choose. That's if I needed one. I don't. A $30 candybar phone is a better phone. A $125 tablet is a better easier to use portable computing device.
I could buy a new more durable watch evey month for the expected lie cycle of an Apple watch and save money. I could get a Casio with a 10 ATM water rating, a 10 year capacity battery. That $35 watch has multiple alarms, a phone directory and is 100% hacker proof. wear it continuously for 6 or 7 years (twice the Apples recharge cycle ability) without it bring"obsoleted" by its manufacturer. Then for $2 I could install a fresh battery and give it to an 8 year old kid and not worry about it be being broken ir stolen.
The "smart" part of a smartphone is a solution to problems that 99% of the population of the world didn't have before they were introduced, A smart watch is a solution to laziness and a need to boost ones ego by purchasing expensive possessions.
The rationale for smartphones, that they consolidate several gatgets into one, if valid in the first place, that is the strongest argument against a watch that doesn't work without a smartphone (from the same manufacturer!) and performs the trivial functions of -remote display and control over a 3 foot range.