This review sucked. They don't talk about screen glare at all. Not once. Yet in the pictures you can clearly see lots of glare. Other reviews made mention of the glare, but not this one. Also, the review of the keyboard simply says "The virtual keyboard works well." What kind of review is that? Other people are really complaining about the keyboard. For example, a reviewer with WAY more analytical skill pointed out that the iPad is slippery, and it has a convex back. Putting it onto his kitchen table and trying to type with 2 hands was almost impossible because the stupid thing kept sliding all over the tabletop. They also mentioned that you could easily remedy this with a couple of rubber feet, but then the iPad wouldn't seem nearly as "cool." And you know how you wipe your cellphone screen real quick with the corner of your shirt? Good luck doing that with the huge iPad screen.
On another note, I would never buy one of these devices. First of all, tablet PCs are not new to the world. I've been using them with Windows Embedded for nearly 10 years now. So I have to laugh a little when someone says "I'll wait for someone like Acer to release one." They've been around for quite a few years already. This is simply Mac's version. So now that Mac has made one, they're suddenly "new" and exciting? If this isn't the textbook definition of "fanboys", I don't know what is. This thing from Mac will not replace 1 single device I already have. It won't replace my phone, it won't replace my laptop, it won't replace my MP3 player. Basically, it's just ANOTHER device to carry around, and one that is too big to carry in my pocket at that! Ugh... no thanks, I'm trying to get FEWER devices.