Are macs worth the extra$

Less bugs, better gui?

The first I don't know about, can't remember the last time windows has a reproducable bug for me.

Better GUI is subjective as although I have never gotten round to using it I have not heard many people other than the OMFG mac's rule crowd actually go mad about it. Perhaps I should get round to looking at it as I can get access to one.

Paying hundreds of (insert currency here) more for an OS, I wouldn't.

Personally, I don't use macs on principle rather than any particular physical reason. If I can click something that opens a program that is enough of an interface for me.

Aesthetic is kind of subjective, I agree. But you can't deny the fact that those aluminum unibody is the best in industry. High end HP(ENVY) and SONY don't feel the same like it does. It's solid and looks very robust. If I were to buy macbook, I would buy it for the built, not for the so-called user friendliness nor lack of virus.
To me, thick plastic (like that on most notebooks) is a better material than aluminum. It may be more flexible, but how often do you bend your notebook? Plastic doesn't scratch (unless it's glossy..why manufacturers insist on making things we use every day glossy is beyond me) and doesn't dent. Aluminum is also a conductor of heat and electricity, while plastic is not. Plastic isn't going to burn your lap. I've seen more dented macbooks than I can count, and even several that no longer close due to the chassis being bent.
Here's how I see it:

1. Gamers
2. OCers
3. Modders,devs (as for devs, possibly running Linux)
4. People who want the ability to upgrade.
5. People against Apple Tax
6. Every day people who at least has the sense to DL Anti Virus,etc.

1. If you like Apple's brand name
2. Apple fanboi
3. Noobs who don't know much about PCs
4. People who want a specific piece of software.
5. Rich,etc people who think it's COOL to have a Mac
6. Lazy people who don't want to speand time installing drivers,anti virus,etc
this is a flame topic (so far hasn't gotten there yet) and each person's thoughts are going to be mine

i wouldn't ever bother buying a mac, if you want an OS like it (minus GUI) get *BSD (OSX is based on BSD variant now) and just build the PC yourself

so no, i don't think it is worth the extra money

It's true that aluminum is heat conductive. But, as far as I'm aware , I have yet to hear somebody lap got burned from using it. Like you said, it probably dent from accidental exertion of force but it won't crack like plastic. And from the look of the unibody, I don't think it is painted. So there would be no paint wear out in wrist area like it would on plastic. Anyway, I think it's good idea for OP to take a trip to shops like Bestbuy and get the first hand experience. Individual opinions might not reflect his needs.

umm....isn't he asking for laptop? I'm just assuming he is cuz we are under lappy subforum.

I don't use macs as well because i am happy with windows but if you compare them side by side apple has less bugs and its reason is that windows has way more customizations and apps and that's why OS X has less bugs than Win,but yes for me i have seen some few bugs with Win7 but they are not much and not annoying

you can customize a laptop from a barebone kit (yeah its not much choice)

though i will say oops for not noticing the laptop subforum

When comparing Windows and Mac OS X, Apple’s strength has been integration and the GUI. Microsoft can’t do anything about the former, but they have about the latter. Apple still has the better GUI, but the advantage is not quite as great as it used to be.

Without getting in to hardware, Snow Leopard has been even more stagnant than Windows has. Win7 brings some definite advantages over Snow Leopard: per-application volume controls, a wide audio/video codec selection (Apple’s the odd man out here; even Linux has them beat), SuperFetch, TRIM support, and of course all the applications Windows can run. Meanwhile Snow Leopard has its GUI, along with Apple’s gesture system, Exposé, and Time Machine.
Having a better GUI is subjective. You can't accurately rank the two. I can't find a damn thing in OS X, and I've used it for a few years - having used Windows all my life is the culprit. This can flip flop for different people...everyone will react differently to a different layout.

Windows 7 hosts lots of additional features that rival Expose (but honestly, I never found any of those 'find this on your desktop' features useful...the task bar makes things pretty easy to find). Again, it's a matter of opinion, not facts.

I agree on integration, though - Apple has control over all the hardware, and, thus, the drivers for them usually come out pretty flawless and crash-free. Microsoft can't duplicate that without some serious backlash. But, the hardware choice is the tradoff. Apples to Oranges.

That was posted why?