Are these temperatures in acceptable boundaries?

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Dec 17, 2012
The temps you can see in the image are while playing some fairly hardware intensive games. Are these temperatures optimal or are they too high or on the border where I have to be careful not to overheat the parts?

you havent listed what your cpu is. i5 isnt very specific. if its a sandybridge or ivybridge, those temps are barely tolerable, and very high for sandybridge. asin, you wouldnt want them to go any higher. infact, your cpu might be throttling itself to stop if from going any higher. if so you would see a performance hit. if its ivybridge those temps are ok but could be better.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3110M CPU @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz Ivy Bridge. All temperature softwares are picking it up as i5 for some reason.
I'd wait to see if you get any more replies, but for me those look to be pretty normal for a laptop. They do seem a little jarring at first sight compared to desktop (particularly the CPU), but from my experience those temps can even be considered a little low for a laptop. I think you may be fine.
Ok, nice to know. What would the the line where I should just stop doing whatever it is to cool it down? around 90C or 100C?
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