Army UAV Makes First Confirmed Kills

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Wars happen for a number of reasons. Some Wars have even been started to exterminate Religion and most of the worst Genocides on Earth have been in the name of Freedom from Religion. I'll begin with Stalin as a prime example and move on through the past to the present to show that Liberal Extermination of Religion has done just as much harm to society as any Religous War and may even have done more. We all share the blame and no matter your view understand that great injustices have been done in that view. From Holy War to Communist Revolution to the French Revolution we all should study history and understand that we are about to repeat it.
Nowadays the army can kill and go to war from the comfort of their own base huh? Just like flying a really dangerous remote controlled plane..
Do they put this thing to work in Afghanistan? If it can search bin laden and kill him, i'm all for it..

what a cold way to describe something as violent and horrible as murder, no matter for what cause and in what context.
“I'd say shoot them with a bow and arrow, it's way cheaper. Or a rock to the head will do the trick.”

While the enemy is firing bullets and rockets … Bring on the body bags or order even more of those expensive UAVs. Ladies and gents, This is war. It’s a lot of things but,

It’s not polite.
It’s not cheap.
It’s not safe.
It’s not pleasant.

You find a way to fight smarter and harder or go home in a bag. Anything that will safely bring home someone’s son, daughter, father, mother, or neighbor should be utilized to the fullest extent. What price would you place on a life?
[citation][nom]Bring[/nom]What price would you place on a life?[/citation]

Current US army price for an Iraqi civillian killed is on average $2500

So i'd say the price of a life is ~$2500, who am I to argue with the Pentagon?
If we've spent a trillion dollars killing a million Iraqis, wouldn't that be a million dollars an Iraqi? I'm sure you could hire gang members in Los Angeles to do it for far less than that, especially if you can negotiate a bulk discount.
[citation][nom]resonance451[/nom]"neutralized"...what a cold way to describe something as violent and horrible as murder, no matter for what cause and in what context.[/citation]
Violent & Horrible? I don't know how instant death by a large missile is exactly Violent and Horrible,especially when you consider those fuckers wanted to kill people in the double digits. Those people would of likely gotten less than a second to live,but the victims of the IED would of likely suffered for hours.
[citation][nom]nick2000[/nom]A hellfire missile to remove 2 ennemies? At $50k-$70k each it's no wonder we have budget problems!! Can't it just lob a couple of grenades at a few $ for the same result?[/citation]

A soldier takes gunfire, gets injured.

Medical bills, $100,000.

Damaged equipment, $1000.

Trip to and from foriegn land including expenses for housing/food/medical care, $10,000.

Mental and physical for life, $100,000.

Soldier dies.

Life insurance for his family left behind, $100,000,000.

Funeral costs, flag, burial clothing, $10,000.

Medal of honor/valor or what have you, $10 each.

There's a lot of things in life money can't buy...

But there's an actual monetary value given to each American soldier's life.
[citation][nom]stuart72[/nom]Current US army price for an Iraqi civillian killed is on average $2500 i'd say the price of a life is ~$2500, who am I to argue with the Pentagon?[/citation]

See above. It's funny how low they estimate that...unless they figure in casualties using a ratio.
until they get a hold of the remote controlled radio waves.
Those little planes are nothing more than remotely controlled devices, which in a small EMP pulse bomb would become unusuable.
But I guess for as long as the sand and cavemen will try to destroy it with their spears, they won't make lots of progress...
I honestly think that weapons like these are a bad idea. Sure it may save the lives of our troops by not putting them in danger but when it comes to judgment calls I doubt the guy pioleting the thing from a far distance will be able to make the call as accurately. Killing civilians mistaken as combatants will become a whole lot easier and its already to easy as is.

Also in the case of a war like Iraq where we need to gain the trust and respect of the people I don't think we will get much if we start sending emotionless robots to fight the war for us.

gotta kill mo bettah. less dead mericans plus more dead bad guy sand demons is loard jesus pervail'n.
OH whoopie ! a new way to kill people ! wow , i want one ! I mean really nothign is more fun than slaughtering other human beings! even better now we have oso many toys to do it for us we don't even need to lean our couches ! yippee!

Seriously ... I find it quite sad that so much new technology is wasted on war machines. even worse that even Tom's has to get in on the News reporting of murder machines. i mean, yeah sure it's a peice of tech, but why do you have to make the artical sound so "exciting", like us finiding new ways to blast each other into oblivion is a good thing ? I think i just lost abit of respect for this site.

nuff said
Hehe, so I am pretty sure that the Air Force has been killing with UAV's for a while now. Maybe the point was that they finally dumbed one down the the Army to use it. At this rate, the Marines should be killing with these by the end of the next decade.
"the drone was surveillance two insurgents"
I rike your engrish!

Try this...
"the drone surveilled two insurgents"

–verb (used with object), -veilled, -veil⋅ling.
to place under surveillance.
Reduces risk to American soldier's lives. Its easy to say just send some dude in to lob a grenade when you're not the one whose job it is to do it. Drones come with massive issues both financial and tactical but reducing our risk is worth it.
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