Question Arris VIP5662W HDMI ISSUES

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Feb 16, 2021
I recently switched from a DirecTV STB to a fiber provider supplying TV service with an Arris VIP5662W IP receiver. With the DirecTV setup I used an HDMI splitter to send the signal to two TV sets, one near the receiver and another in the basement. This setup worked for two years flawlessly until I switched providers. Now when I turn on the TV in the basement I have both audio and video as before, but I lose the audio and only have video on the upstairs TV. It doesn't matter which splitter outputs go where or what connection sequence I use. Audio is always missing on the upstairs TV if I want to have both TV's on at the same time.

So today I decided to supply an HDMI signal from my laptop (HP ProBook 4540s) instead of the Arris VIP5662W. The system worked great with audio and video on both TV sets simultaneously as I was used to.

I'm trying to get an answer from my service provider, but they are a small company and I think they are in over their heads. This is my second receiver that behaves the same way.

Arris (Commscope) will not communicate directly with consumers regarding IP TV receivers. They direct inquiries to the service provider.

I'm thinking there is some kind of configuration setting in the Arris receiver that I could manipulate via USB port?

Does anyone have some advice for me to move past this point?
Maybe splitting HDMI is not allowed or prohibited by the provider? Maybe a family service plan has to be payed or similar.

Or more likely the HDMI signal is too weak from the Arris and has to be reinforced by an active HDMI splitter.

Maybe one HDMI cable is defective or not good anymore, replace the cable with a new and eventually better one
Maybe splitting HDMI is not allowed or prohibited by the provider? Maybe a family service plan has to be payed or similar.

Or more likely the HDMI signal is too weak from the Arris and has to be reinforced by an active HDMI splitter.

Maybe one HDMI cable is defective or not good anymore, replace the cable with a new and eventually better one
Thank you for your suggestions. I have swapped out cables and always get the same results. The only test I have done with positive results has been when I use my laptop as the HDMI source. Then I get audio and video on both TVs. The service provider says they do not have technology in place to prevent splitting and are surprised my setup is not working with their receiver. So I think maybe a weak signal may be the problem, but then the TV on the 50 ft cable always has A/V but the one on the short cable only has video. I hope to be hearing back from them soon with their own ideas.

This is the splitter I am using:
which settings did you set on the splitter? In which places are the dip switches set to?
Out of the box the unit is set to EDID=AUTO and the two DIP switches are OFF. I have run tests in all possible combinations of the EDID setting and the two DIP switches with the same outcome: When the TV on the 50 foot HDMI cable is turned on the audio on the TV connected to the 3 foot cable drops out. When I use my laptop as the source of input to the splitter the system works perfectly. When the Arris IP receiver is the source of HDMI signal the problem manifests itself.
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