Asurion insurance/verizon insurance

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Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

I just got a new phone and i am past my 14 days. I am about 30 days into it.
I wanted to get insurance but verizon is telling me it has to be within five
days. is this correct? also anyone know if i can just go thru asurion?

any info would be great.

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Brian S. wrote:
> I just got a new phone and i am past my 14 days. I am
> about 30 days into it. I wanted to get insurance but
> verizon is telling me it has to be within five days. is
> this correct? also anyone know if i can just go thru
> asurion?
> any info would be great.

If I remember there are two slightly different flavors
of insurance.

1) "Total coverage". costs $1 or $2 more per month
and covers everything including accessories.
theft, damage, defect, loss of function. Everything
except cosmetic. There is some restriction on how
soon after you buy the phone from VZW that you
have to sign up for this.

2) The regular insurance through Assurion or lockline.
This covers theft and damage that effects function.
(no cosmetic here either). The difference is that it
does not cover manufacturer's defects. Like if the
phone or parts of it just quit working. Priced
$1 or $2 below the total coverage insurance.
In the past (and I assume now) you could get
this any time on any phone currently activated
on VZW's network. It could even be a used phone
that you bought on eBay and activated on your
VZW plan.

This was my vague understanding some time ago.

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 03:55:42 GMT, "Quick"
<> wrote:

>2) The regular insurance through Assurion or lockline.
>This covers theft and damage that effects function.
>(no cosmetic here either). The difference is that it
>does not cover manufacturer's defects. Like if the
>phone or parts of it just quit working.

No problem. Phone stops working, go run over it with your car, then
you're covered, right?
Forget about insurance

Rewarding Return ( offers labels for a couple bucks that will actually get you your lost phone back.

With insurance you pay $5/month and then once you lose it you have to 1) file a police report, 2) wait for a enw one, 3) your new phone doesnt have your phone numbers, data, pictures, texts, etc. Those are all out somewhere in the world.

With Rewarding Return, you get YOUR phone back. Labels are only a few bucks for 2 years of free returns. Go check ti out yourself

*edited to make a 'little' less spammy* , but a flirt with the BAN/Delte stick fo-sho, for necromancy alone. :non:
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