Asus i7 vs macbook pro i5


Jan 31, 2012
I'm looking a laptop. either ASUS A43SA VX084V with i7 OR Macbook pro i5.

usage purpose: Microsoft office and normal searching. (student)

you dont need either. a 450 dollar laptop will suffice
agree with cbrunnem

unless your playing games or editing photos / videos you just dont need that much power.

The ASUS will be a little bit quicker but the mac will get better battery life.
Depends on what you are going to be using it for. Macs do pick up the chicks though because they think your an art major or graphics communication major.
Okay, this needs to be sent again. If you're just going to be surfing the web or using Microsoft Office you do not need near that amount of power. You would never even come close to using it all. Also, unless you're doing something artsy and/or for some other reason absolutely need a Mac, I would advise you to stay away from them. Apple's hardware is mind boggingly overpriced.

This is what I would suggest for you if you don't mind that it's a 17.3"
Intel Core i3 2310M(2.10GHz) 17.3" 6GB Memory DDR3 640GB HDD 5400rpm

If not here's a 15.6" screen
Intel Core i3 2350M(2.30GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory DDR3 1066 500GB HDD 5400rpm