Asus Laptop unable to boot (black screen, no bios)

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Apr 14, 2012
Hi guys,

I have an Asus X45C laptop about 10 months old. Yesterday I finished watching a movie with very little battery left, so I closed the lid, put it away and went to bed. This morning the laptop won't boot. Of course I charged the battery all the way, and tried several combinations of turning the laptop on only on AC adapter, only on battery, on both; I also tried removing battery and adapter, holding ON button for several minutes, then trying to power up again with only adapter, only battery, or both, all the time the result is exactly the same, so these are the symptoms:

- Screen is completely black, no bios, no beeps, no anything.
- Power and battery lights turn on (they work ok, if I remove the battery, the light shows that, etc.)
- Hard disk light comes on for about 1 second, then off forever.
- Caps lock and num lock are constantly on.
- Keyboard doesn't do anything at all.
- The DVD unit is working: when I turn the laptop on, it will make noises, and if a disc is inside, it will make even more noises, the usual noises that I get when reading a disc. The button for opening the unit also works. I tried powering up with the DVD unit open, and no noises at all.
- No fans at all are working.
- Also tried using an external monitor, no luck.

I really don't want to RMA it, I know it could be a hardware failure, but it could also be an easy repair. Maybe the CMOS battery or something related to hibernation. Caps lock and num lock always on is what really strikes me.

Oh and one more thing. A couple of times in the past, I had to force a shutdown on the laptop so I would press the ON/OFF button for 4 or 5 seconds.. when it did shutdown, as far as I recall, that was it. When I do that now, I hear a very slight beep after doing a force shutdown. I'm pretty sure this beep was not present when I did force shutdowns before.

Any comments are widely appreciated, thanks!

Update: the beep may have been there before, nevermind. One more sympton: closing the lid doesn't do anything, the same lights are on.
I suspect CPU fan is the cause of this problem.
My Asus X43 also had the same problem but it is intermittent. Sometimes it boot up, sometimes it's not. Only show black screen with led lights up for few sec. I notice when the fan is running, no problem booting up. When the fan is not running it only turn on led lights for few seconds then lights off. I going to order a new CPU fan from eBay and try if the problem go away. Wish me luck. Will post again if it works.

ps: Forgot to mention, I've tried reinstalled Win 7 from Recovery Disc, swap the RAM module and HDD, reset bios to default and even swap charging adaptor and battery. Problem still come back intermittently.

Hi aminmarz, I solved my laptop issue with what you suggested. Now I am back in business. Thank you so much for sharing.
I just had that same problem and a friend of mine told me to remove the battery for the BIOS and insert it Again. it worked and my ASUS K75V started up as normal after that. Hope U can use this anybody!!

THANKS! I tried removing the batery and holding ON button several times with no luck, but your solution worked just fine. I removed the battery and disconnected the power, removed the HDD and the screen turned on, so I entered the BIOS, loaded the default settings, plugged back the HDD (with the computer still on), selected "save changes and exit" on the BIOS and it rebooted like always on itself. Again, thank you so much!

Ps: ASUS K54C here.
Hai...i face this prob asus k43s show blackscreen..power light on and caplocks light on...i tried this and it worked...first take out the battery and power supply...then hold power button for one minute...then put back battery/power supply...then start the F2 to get in bios..then press F9 reset to default..lastly restart the worked!!!! Found this sollution at other site...TQ

Hi Aminmarz,
I had the same problem with ASUS K53SC. Thanks for this solution. I did same, removed my hdd and tried to boot without hdd and set all BIOS setting to default. It worked!
Thanks Again.
I had this problem a few months ago. Gave it to the repair center and then they said there was a problem in the board. they replaced a small component on the MB and it was all right again. But i have the same problem again.
What i have concluded is that my laptop over heats time and again which might have damaged the MB. Do let me know if anyone else's laptop overheats too.
Same problem occurred with my k55v after battery ran out. When I plugged adapter and tried to boot, the screen remained black with no sign of asus logo or even backlight. Like it wasnt even plugged to motherboard. As I found out, lot of ASUS notebooks share this problem. After 5 hours i finally managed to successfully boot to windows.
These are the options I tried and you should probably too:
1. Unplug the battery and adapter , hold power butom for about a minute then plug AC adapter back and boot.
2. Dissassemble notebook, remove CMOS battery, put it back after a while then reassemble and boot.
3. Plug adapter, switch the notebook on and let it run for few minutes, then repeat no. 1
4. Let notebook run for few minutes under blanket or wherever you can cover airflow so it will overheat a little.
5. (worked for me) Absolutely dissassemble notebook (even cooler and heatpipes) and reflow chipset and gpu. Only source of appropriate heat i currently had was hair dryer (1400W) and i blew hot air on MB for few minutes and it was enough :) After reassembly everything worked :)
Remember to check if ram is inserted properly. I disassembled and had black screen, no warning, no beep etc... was a hardware failure and ram not inserted properly: I checked, installed the ram and works everything fine.

I have an Asus A53S with many of the same problems mentioned above. My problem with this laptop is that everything seems to be in working order except for the screen not coming on. Fans run, hdd boots up, cd drive will attempt to read disks, power button works...
I cannot get any screen reading, nor can I get any beeps or sound out of the speakers.

All this trouble occurred right before I replaced the ac jack on the MB. I figured the MB wouldn't boot properly to protect itself from variable electrical current. Now that I have it replaced, I'm trying everything to get this thing running again. I've tried the CMOS battery, replacing it, taking it out, etc. Removed ram, removed hdd, removed cd drive, removed keyboard, removed battery, removed ac and run off battery. I've even tried the power button trick.

The only significant thing that I can tell is that when you plug in the ac cord, the laptop starts up by itself, letting me know the BIOS is still working (start after failure), but since I cannot even get an external monitor to work with it, I cannot change any BIOS settings.
And when I press the power button, I have to hold it in order to turn it off, which usually means its not hanging at BIOS input, but I could be wrong.

My last resort is to cycle through this list once more, or start messing with the display wires. I see that there is some twisting of the monitor wire inside the casing, but in reality, there are a LOT of tiny wires inside the sheathed coil that I really don't want to open up like a biopsy.

I'll be back with the results of that list, and hopefully something will work. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to drop them in. I'm all ears here.

UPDATE: Went through the entire list once, still no luck. Everything is the same, with no screen display or sounds. I'm losing my mind here with this thing. Could it be that the screen is not coming on due to the sensor that detects if the laptop is closed or not? Could the sensor be malfunctioning?
Same problem, googled more and found that if you unplug power, flip it and pull the battery out the back off laptop, then press the power for 10 long seconds, put battery back in. Turn her on.

How to enter the BIOS configuration of my Notebook?

Normal situation:

1. Hold and press the F2 button then click the power Button.

2. Release the F2 button then you shall see the BIOS screen.

Windows 8:

If your Notebook is Windows 8 and you don't know how to enter the BIOS configuration.

You can refer to the knowledge - [Windows 8] How to enter the BIOS configuration of Windows 8?

If you can't enter the system, please try to press and hold the power button about 5~8 seconds until the Notebook is shut down.

1. Hold and press the F2 button then click the power Button.

2. Release the F2 button and you shall see the BIOS screen as below.
I have an Asus F502C. I'm not anyway near as technically skilled as half of the posters on here but I've had the black screen issue for a few days now. I plugged my second screen in and for whatever reason it fixed the issue, booted up fine and continues to do so??

Hopefully this helps someone else too?
Several months ago my Asus G73SW suddenly did not display anything on the screen. Windows would boot up as I could hear the sound and could shutdown the laptop by pressing Alt+F4 then Enter. After RMA'ing it, the problem was that a RAM connector was faulty. Weird!
Now today the same thing happened. I turned it on several times yet the screen would not display anything. So I took the back panel off, pushed the RAM, wiggled it and squeezed it. Turned the laptop on and tadaa it's all better.

So if you have this same problem, it may be worth checking out the RAM and the RAM connections.
My laptop Asus X750J, 1 TB hard drive, i7 processor whatever its giving me nothing right now after I did some changes to the bios what I did was to change the boot order I turned off the EFI booting and select the legacy option so I can boot up from a usb and boot in Linux, I also did change the security in the bios and I selected 512 MB shared memory for video, after I rebooted the computer with those changes nothing happened, the computer was completely done, Only the power led when I turn it on and the charging led my usb blinks and for like 1/4 of a second, a lot of years ago I had an issue with an oid computer like that but at the time I was able to boot with some cmos startup disk to flash and recover the cmos I do not know if this modern laptops have the capability of booting with something in order to change the bios to factory defaults, I went down the list into every single thing I know and so far since is a laptop there is no cmos jumper even removing the bios battery it doesnt matter because laptops uses some sort of rom memory that keeps the information saved even when no power is in the system so there is gotta be something and with that something all of the guys here having that issue will be solved the thing is to find a way to reset the bios but there is nothing no video not even power in the laptop monitor all the computer does is to turn on but thats it, I was reading about reflowing it which is what you normally do to a video card when it overheats and the solder points stick together then you got some problem like mine where nothing works but that solution is commonly seen for PS3 and Xbox 360, as of now I am dry with this I got no apparent solution yet, I do not even know which is the bios chip on the motherboard to remove it and replace it
I have similar issue with asus q500a laptop... It power up fan on... flash hardisk light. Battery is on... but no display... This intially happened for few instances... but now it happens. I saw soln on some of forum that you can remove battery... hold power button for 30 sec/60 sec.. then restart... it start once /twice for me... but this solution also does not work... somtime back I drain all battery. It got started... but after shutdown ... it coundn't restart at all... why BIOS screen has issue? I can undestand there is issue with windows8...but what is problem in loading bios
Most likely motherboard died. other hardware or software failure should atleast turn on the screen or have any power in motherboard. Common causes of dead motherboard are dropping any liquid on keyboard, dropping the laptop.
My scenario: DIMM upgrade.
Model: Asus Laptop R503U MH21
Comes with 2GB of memory and Windows 8.1 (there should be an industry regulation making that a crime!)

Project: Upgrade to 4GB.

It's a standard laptop DIMM upgrade. 2 screws. 2 side snaps. bing. bing.

Upon attempt to started, laptop would not start. Behavior exactly as described in this thread. On power button depress:

    LEDs flash
    Battery light on.
    Power light on.
    No power to screen. Blank. Black.

Even after replacing the original DIMM. Same symptoms. (YIKES!)

As I started to follow the suggestions above, I noticed that the DIMM was NOT PROPERLY SEATED. (duh!) Properly reseating the original 2GB DIMM (with no hard drive and no battery installed), machine booted to BIOS! Select Save&Exit. (yes!) Power Off.
Install new 4GB DIMM (still with no hard drive and no battery installed), machine booted to BIOS! Save & Exit again. Power off.
Install hard drive. Boot to UEFI boot partition via F9. In the Advanced Menu, select UEFI diagnostics. Machine reboots, back to BIOS. Save & Exit again.
Boot back to UEFI boot partition. Power Off.
Reassemble laptop.
Boot back into Windows 8.1.
Check system info and see the 4GB of RAM.


Moral of the story: Make sure the DIMMs are seated correctly!
I tried all the stuff about taking battery ,memory hdd , cmos batt out , pressing power button to discharge , power without battery and only adapter , battery only , nearly gave up then it worked , so keep at it , I tried all the combos about 10 times , mines a k55v i7 , I started it up after not being used then it just went ffffft , wouldnt power on no nothing
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