Asus Q550LF Screen Assembly Replacement


Feb 3, 2013
Need assistance replacing the screen assembly for the ASUS Q550LF (touchscreen).
Is there a similar ASUS model that may have a guide on replacing the screen (to use in replacing the ASUS Q550LF screen)?
Mine did not work, it acted like it was being touched everywhere, I had to figure it out or go without, I figured it out, Its simple enough to take apart.


Remove the bottom of the laptop, T5 torx screwdriver or... a tiny flathead filed down to fit cause I didnt have one... Once bottom is off the hinges are plainly visible.

Yes, that is MY Q550LF, I am certain. Notice the hinge says "N550JV-SL" I know that the Q550 and N550 share many of the same components, like the keyboard. So the N550JV screen may be a contender.

Remove the screws holding the hinges in place to make a little room for the black cover that goes over the wireless antenna, it slides to...

unfortunately it seems the q500a has a around-the-screen bezel, while the Q550LF has a screen bezel going all over the screen itself
Hm, I see. Hadn't considered that. I wasn't able to find any guides on disassembly/repairs involving the display. It seems to be pretty new, and the only things out right now are guides to replace the HDD. I'm thinking you might have better luck getting it repaired by ASUS, if you aren't comfortable attempting it without a guide.
It's currently at Asus and they want to charge $409 for the repair (compared to the $147 estimate...idiots). Disputed and awaiting a response. Do you think if I bought a new screen assembly (can get one for $90 on eBay), the repair would be any bit straight forward?
Are you sure you can get it for that cheap? I did a quick look at what's available on eBay (U.S. based) and while there are some close to that $90 price, they don't appear to include the digitizer/touch screen, and are just normal LCD displays. I'm honestly not certain how easy it would be since I don't have experience with touch screen displays, but typical LCD displays are not all that hard to install, just a matter of connecting cables and popping/screwing the display into place.

The screen assembly I found is for Asus N500JV. But, the screen bezel's part number on the n550jv matches the part number on the q550lf screen bezel. What I don't really know is the part number for the actual screen on the n550jv, but I do know the one for the Q550LF.


LCD BEZEL - Same on both models.
LCD - Unknown weather same not.

I know the N550JV is touch screen and also 1080p. I think it would work.
If I choose to go down the road of installing that myself, would you be able to help if I posted pics of the laptop and such?

I'm really a better tinkerer when I can physically touch and mess with things, but I'll certainly try. I'm sure there are a number of other users who would be happy to assist and offer advice as well.

You mentioned that the laptop was currently with ASUS, so I'm thinking it will probably take you anywhere from a few days to a little over a week to get it back and be ready to try. I'd suggest possibly starting a new thread at that point, because this one will have long since been buried haha.

In the meantime, try to track down a screen that matches yours exactly. No sense taking unnecessary risks. Perhaps ASUS could sell you one at a reasonable price and ship it back with your laptop for you to assemble yourself? Could be worth asking them.

99.9% sure they wouldn't do that. I had found an LCD ONLY for $200 on eBay...forget that. There is sense because it's cheap and it probably works. There's a return policy so if not....

Also do you know what component actually makes the laptop touchscreen? is it the LCD? Is it the bezel? thanks.

I already replaced the entire assembly succesfully.
Email me for more info: [redacted, per forum policy]

For N550JV. It's a longshot of a part.
purchased entire assembly, guy had one though.
I broke my touchscreen when I had a little USB dongle sittin on the keyboard. This was immediately after waiting for 3 weeks for Asus to send me a new keyboard, after stating it would be 24-48 hours and they had to escalate it twice, both with no answers.

After breaking the screen, my fault 100%, and looking all over for a replacement I ended up calling Asus, their response? We do not sell the digitizer or glass in the US. Only way to fix it is to send it in for 220 dollars.

I'm in college, it took them 3 weeks AFTER receiving my credit card info for the deposit they demanded that I give should I not send them my broken keyboard back. Now they flat refuse to sell the replacement screen, which I am fully capable of installing, I already had to take it apart to disable the digitizer so that the laptop was usable again. But demand that if I want it fixed, I need to send them my whole computer. After waiting 3 weeks for a keyboard I shudder just thinking about how long, IF EVER, it would take to get my laptop back... Much longer then winter break I'm sure.

I gotta say, this whole experience has soured Asus for me, customer service flat lieing to me, multiple times. "It was sent yesterday, call tomorrow to get the tracking number," calls tomorrow, "Oh, it was never sent..." Escalate it, a week later "we have not received anything back from the escalation team, lets escalate it again" Why? It was already done and you cant even get a response from people within your own company. Oh, right, to placate me, the customer. I got another word for it, Lie. Just read the log from the Asus rep this other thread.

One moment and I will post pics and instructions on how to disassemble the monitor, its stupid easy.

Stuck to the back of the glass is a plastic sheet, this is the digitizer. It is not the bezel, nor the LCD.

Mine did not work, it acted like it was being touched everywhere, I had to figure it out or go without, I figured it out, Its simple enough to take apart.


Remove the bottom of the laptop, T5 torx screwdriver or... a tiny flathead filed down to fit cause I didnt have one... Once bottom is off the hinges are plainly visible.

Yes, that is MY Q550LF, I am certain. Notice the hinge says "N550JV-SL" I know that the Q550 and N550 share many of the same components, like the keyboard. So the N550JV screen may be a contender.

Remove the screws holding the hinges in place to make a little room for the black cover that goes over the wireless antenna, it slides to the side a little then comes off easy, if it doesnt come off easy you're doing something wrong.

You know, the plastic cover that goes over this area, where your vents are.

Once that is removed there is 2 Phillip head screws, they are plain as day cant miss em, take them out. Once the two screws are out put your thumbs on each side of the screen, the black areas, like you are grabbing something thats flat... I dont know how to describe it. Anyways, slide your thumbs down, towards the base of the laptop. 1/8 inch movement and boom, ready to take off bezel, digitizer and LCD.

Now that you are here you can disable the digitizer and make your laptop useable again, if it was not useable like mine was. all you need to do is disconnect these two ribbon cables that come out of the bezel around the glass at the top of the screen, by the webcam.
Both of those
Look like
Then you can go ahead and put it back together. Cause like Asus said, they dont sell them in "North America"
Or you can go all the way like I did, not recommended. Anyways now that you have glass, digitizer and LCD in hand there is a small amount of glue holding the LCD to the glass, very carefully, dont use anything sharp or hard and do NOT bend it too much, but grab the LCD and peel (without bending) the LCD away from the glass, then you have this.

I actually ran mine like that for a while, then I put the glass back on. Works fine, no touch screen though.

Using the part number off the the actual digitizer itself I was able to find one for sale

Digitizer part number
Close up of digitizer part

The one I found for sale, I cannot read 🙁

Here is an added pic of my Q550LF taken totally apart to replace the keyboard. The entire top plate is the keyboard shell, so if it goes bad, like it has for many you need to take every single component out, motherboard, everything. Fun times.

Now when you call Asus swearin at them, give em one for me too. Good luck. Im always willing to answer questions. Posted from my q550lf

And yes the hinges are N550JV parts that is what all Q550LF's (from my knowledge) come with.

The Q550LF, N550JA, and N550LF all use the same keyboard. I haven't looked them up but if they touch then I don't see why it wouldn't work.

Your schematic is good buy missing a piece or two. The "bezel" is the plastic outside. Like the frame of a picture. So technically it goes


As the glass and digitizer are mounted in the black plastic bezel, the two bezel pieces slide and lock together to lock the glass on. That's how there is only 2 screws holding the whole thing.

I thought the bezel was the glass piece over LCD. Since there is no actual serperate bezel, like on non-touchscreen laptops, I'd say it's all the bezel.
Naw, the bezel is the piece that keeps the glass in place, not the glass itself, then there is the actual digitizer that's stuck to the backside of the glass. It's a thin, clear, plastic type material, then the plastic frame. If you remove the glass on the back side is a black plastic frame, that technically is removable, but I ain't trying it. Also the metal lid has a black plastic frame on the inside. They have tabs that stick out and lock the glass in place.

And be super careful if anyone should take it apart, the lid is like tinfoil. The glass gives it almost all of its rigidity and if you are like me doin it for the first time just experimenting with my, what was at the time, thousand dollar paperweight and maybe don't take the hinges off, if you try and close the lid without the glass it will just fold right over. Those hinges are strong, the lid not so much. Thankfully I noticed that before I wrecked it too much. Mines fully functioning (minus touch) right now and I replaced the whole top plate and took apart the screen with no prior experience or help. Once you get into it it's really stupid easy.

I'm having the same problem as you with my ASUS Q550LF.
I broke the touch screen and I'm currently looking for a digitizer to replace.
151rum - Your description is so great I believe I can do it by myself :) although I do not have much experience, I would still want to try it.

My only question is: Will the touch screen work after I change the digitizer?

In last post you said "Mines fully functioning (minus touch) right now"

So I'm wondering if this replacement really worked for your touch screen? Is it working now as it should?