AT&T May have Inflated iPhone Data Bills

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[citation][nom]Mathematician4life[/nom]everyone knows 2300 kilobytes is more than 2.3 megabytes because 2300 > 2.3[/citation]
2300 is < 2.3
2300 divided by 1024 is 2.2461MB not 2.3MB.
You have TWO options:

1. Stay with AT&T and get ripped off.
2. Go over to Verizon and get ripped off.

Say what you will, but at least you have TWO OPTIONS NOW!

That's nothing my local carrier charges 50cents a MB or $5/5MB. they do have an unlimited plan I just laugh each time I look at their plans.
Really, you mean corporations are greedy capitalistic entities that try and rip you off of every dollar they can? I'm shocked, but you Republicans in here swear by it, failing to realize, he who holds the capital makes the rules. And no they don't pay any taxes and do not have the highest taxes in the world, corporations in the US actually have one of lowest "effective" tax rates in the world. And if think lowering US tax rates on corporations would bring more jobs here, no they wouldn't, you know why because the cost of living is simply higher in the US than in India, China, parts of Eastern Europe, etc ... so bottom line business are in the business of making money,not providing jobs, so guess what they will still ship the jobs over there. End rant.
Considering that AT&T data plans terms of service specifically prohibit "(vii) software or other devices that maintain continuous active Internet connections when a computer's connection would otherwise be idle..." Doesn't that make anything using data like this in violation of their own agreement. Certainly sounds like Windows Phones are candidates for this as soon as you open the box.
For the past two months, AT&T has recorded 2-3GB (yes, GIGABYTES) more data usage than my iPhone itself has recorded. For the six months prior, while I certainly wasn't a 'light' user, I was always at 1GB +/- 200MB. Then, in February, right around the time they said they'd start throttling back heavy users, AT&T reported a fourfold jump in my phone's data usage. At the end of that billing cycle, I reset the stats on my phone, which 22 days later says I've used around 900MB. AT&T is reporting that I've used 2.9GB.
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