Ath-ad500x - noise isolating alternative

Oct 15, 2018

I'm in the market for new headphones - have been using on-ear, but want to go for over-ear this time due to comfort issues with my glasses.

In my search, I found the ad500x - I like the price, like the sound, *love* the comfort. They're so soft and so light, it was almost like a revelation.
However, my main purpose would be listening to music or gaming at my PC, and since it's near the tv, I need something that blocks at least some of the tv noise. Don't need ANC, passive isolation would be fine, but it seems that the ad500x will absolutely not do that with their open-back design.

So I was wondering if anyone here was in the same situation and found a pair with the same amazing level of comfort, but more nose isolation?

I found a lot of suggestions on the internet, of course, but none of them have worked for me so far - Audio-technica's closed-back models (huge, and not as comfortable for me), Sennheiser (never fits my ears - I guess they're larger than average), Beyerdynamic (not bad, but not exactly cheap)...
Bose was the closest I've found, but that's far outside my price range.

Appreciate any input!
Some people find the DT990s so bright they're painful. The DT770s are generally liked though.

No I don't have the Creative Aurvana but I have 2 higher end models ( Massdrop x Fostex TH-X00 Mahogany and TH-X00 Ebony ) with the Fostex biodyanmic drivers. It's a sound signature I absolutely love.

As of me posting this there is still 5 hours left on the Massdrop DT770 drop. They drop every few months but there's no way to tell in advance exactly when. You can sign up for a free Massdrop account and get notified though.

The Sennheiser HD598C is an option. I can't imagine it not fitting your ears and the 598 is light and comfortable. I still use my 598s for gaming even though I have better headphones. It's neutral enough it works with...
Steelseries Arctis PRO (Wihtout gamedac because it is not worth it). I have Audiotechnica ATH-M50X and Steelseries Arctis PRO, they both sound great while Arctis is more comfortable then Audiotechnica and has great isolation. Worth taking a look.
Budget? Going up in price.

The Creative Aurvana Live! is the cheapest way to get into a Fostex biodynamic driver which is a VERY good thing.


ATH M40X - ( M50X is controversial. People either love it or hate it. )

Audio-Technica ATH-WS1100iS - ( Now called the Ricardos, no idea why )

Sony MDR 1A - Comfort is no question here.

None of those need an amp and all are closed back and will give you some isolation.


Thank you for your answer!
I tried the Arctis 3/5/7, but I felt they were a bit tight. Are the Pro different?

Thank you for your suggestions! The Creative pair looks interesting, I couldn't find it at the store, though. They had the Soundblaster series in the headset corner, but nothing else.
Also couldn't find the second ATH pair you mentioned which sounds really good, but I know another shop I can try for those.
I did try the Sony ones, since many people mention the comfort of that model, and I did find them quite comfortable. I had the impression that they are rather poor at any kind of noise isolation, though. Might have been the fault of the store environment? Do you have a different experience?
Check out the LyxPro HAS-15, it's on sale for $30 (down from $40) and compared directly to the M20x.
Also has a standard 3.5mm M-M cable, so it's perfect for a DIY headset using the VModa BoomPro

The Edifier H840 is also a good budget choice, and the Samson SR950 is a bit more expensive, but much more comfortable over time with the velour pads (which may not isolate as good as leatherette) and it will definitely not win any style awards.

I was just going by closed back for isolation. I don't have the Sonys.

There's also something like the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro. I always forget there's a 32ohm version that wouldn't require an amp and they are known for comfort and isolation. They're commonly used in studios. Massdrop has an active drop for it at $139 that ships November 2nd. Also available elsewhere probably for more money.

If you have a chance listen to them first. The Beyerdynamic 'house sound' has a huge following of people who love them but others can find their treble fatiguing and overly bright. I think the DT 770 is the least bright of the 770,880 and 990 line.


I tried the 990 and thought it was comfortable, but pricey. Didn't know the 770 could be had for that much less sometimes. Will have to try and find it.

Do you have the Creative Aurvana yourself? I can't find them at the stores, as I said, and the reviews I've read were mixed regarding comfort. For some they're extremely nice, others say the earcups are too small and feel more like on-ear...
Some people find the DT990s so bright they're painful. The DT770s are generally liked though.

No I don't have the Creative Aurvana but I have 2 higher end models ( Massdrop x Fostex TH-X00 Mahogany and TH-X00 Ebony ) with the Fostex biodyanmic drivers. It's a sound signature I absolutely love.

As of me posting this there is still 5 hours left on the Massdrop DT770 drop. They drop every few months but there's no way to tell in advance exactly when. You can sign up for a free Massdrop account and get notified though.

The Sennheiser HD598C is an option. I can't imagine it not fitting your ears and the 598 is light and comfortable. I still use my 598s for gaming even though I have better headphones. It's neutral enough it works with anything and has very good soundstage and imaging. No amp needed.

I think it will come down to the Creative or the Sennheiser. Need to try both a bit more, but they seem like great options.
Thank you very much for your advice and help!