Question Audio suddenly stopped working for seemingly no reason

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Dec 1, 2023
I recently finished building my new PC and once I set everything up it was all working and fine, for some reason I don't have the AMD Radeon Settings and I've tried some stuff to get it but nothing works, today I was using it and out of nowhere the audio just stopped working I can't hear anything
I tried replugging, restarting, updating a bunch of drivers when I tried plugging in speakers they turned on but it didn't even show them being plugged in my PC, and their volume doesn't work either, I also don't have an option to use my monitor speakers (I was able to on my old PC)
My build:'m using Windows 11 Enterprise edition, in the website it says something about potentially needing to update bios, I have not updated bios and everything seemed to work just fine
Thanks in advance:)
windows 11 enterprise? where did you get it?
update the bios. might be motherboard issue too
I'm scared of updating the bios by myself as I don't wanna brick the motherboard on accident, can I add you on discord maybe if you could just guide me through the process so I can do its safely?
Why are you using the Enterprise version of Windows and from where did you get it? This could have something to do with your issue and why @rgd1101 asked in the first place.
I saw that it's the best version of windows that's supposed to have all the features of Windows Pro and more so I just pirated it
I think I can change the version of Windows if needed
And we are done here. We do not support any form of piracy. None. Period.

You can use Windows, un-activated, from legit sources. Get the media directly from MS and perform a full, clean installation and your problem will likely go away.
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